North Lincolnshire Regiment of Foot
Founding and early history
The Second Battalion of the Tenth of North Lincolnshire Regiment of Foot was posted to the Eastern Cape village of "Keiskama Hoek" in 1861. As one can imagine, the only entertainment for the soldiers was what they provided for themselves.
Aims and function
The Amateurs of the Band also referred to as Band of Amateurs, was formed which provided the troops with the only theatrical entertainment they knew.
Current status
Impact on SA theatre, film, media and/or performance
May 28, 1861: The regiment staged their first production J R Planche's "A Serio-comic, Bombastic, Operatic Interlude, in one act", entitled Amororosa or King of Little Britain in Keiskama Hoek's Garrison Theatre. Starring J Davies (Amorosa, King of Little Britain), J F Gay (Roastando, his cook), T Paterson (Blusterbus, his cook), B Sheean (1st Lord of the Bed-chamber), J M'Kechnie (Aoqnetinda), and F Girton (Mollidusta).
After the performance, a comic song was sung by J M'Kechnie.
A second production, a farce in one act, The Omnibus or A Convenient Distance was performed starring J M'Kechnie (Mr Ledger), F Girton (Mr Dobbs), J F Gay (Master T Dobbs), W Dansie (Pat Rooney), G Daw (Farrier's Boy), J Durney (Julia Ledger), J Davies (Mrs Dobbs), B Buckley (Jemima Damper).
During the following interval J M M'Kechnie and J Davies]] sang a comic duet.
This was followed by a third production entitled The Irish Tutor. Starring J M'Kechnie (Mr Tillwell), F Girton (Charley, his son), J F Gay (Dr Flail, a schoolmaster), W Dansie (Terry o'Rourke as Dr O'Toole), T Paterson (Beadle), B Sheeran (A countryman), J Davies (Rosa, in love with Charley), and J Durney (Mary, her maid).
"The performance was, on the whole, very successful, and the actors had the satisfaction of playing to a full house, which was a novelty in their South African experiences. The little Garrison Theatre was crowded to excess by people from the village, and the officers and men of the Regiment, all of who appeared much pleased with the efforts made for their amusement. M'Kechnie's acting and singing was, as usual, excellent, and Gay's ludicrous personification of Master T Dobbs in the second piece kept the house in a continued roar of laughter. Corporal Davies is too well known to our readers to require any notice at our hands. Dansie made a famous "Pat Rooney" in The Omnibus, and an equally good "Terry O'Rourke" in The Irish Tutor, and Daw disposed of his short part of the "Farrier's Boy" in The Omnibus so well, that we would suggest a higher position for him in the next cast of characters." -The North Lincoln Sphinx regimental periodical.
June 5, 1861: The Amateurs of the Band produced the following three productions:
A comedy in two acts, The Spectre Bridegroom or A Ghost In Spite Of Himself Starring F Girton (Mr Nicodemus), J M'Kechnie (Squire Aldwinkle), J F Gay (Dickery, his man), J Mann (Captain Vanntington), W Dansie (Paul), T Paterson (Thomas, a servant), J Davies (Georgiana Aldwinkle), J Durney (Lavinia, her cousin).
This was followed by another production, Poses-De-Vaux starring J M'Kechnie (M. Trimulus Tomkins), J Davies (Miss Polly Hopkins), J Durney (Sophia, her maid).
Afterwards, a third production, a farce in one act Slasher and Crasher, was performed. Starring: J M'Kechnie (Benjamin Blowhard), W Dansie (Mr Sampson Slasher), J Davies (Mr Christopher Crasher), J F Gay (Lieutenant Brown), J Grimley (Policeman), B Sheetan (Policeman), T Paterson (John, a servant), T Smith (Miss Dinah Blowhard) and J Durney (Miss Ross, her niece).
"The entire performance went off remarkably well, the short delays between the pieces being very much more agreeable than those lengthy, wearisome intervals, which have been generally characteristic of the arrangements at our theatre. M'Kechnie's acting throughout was capital, more particularly in the character of Squire Aldwinkle in The Spectre Bridegroom and Gay, Dansie and Davies maintained their reputation admirably. The latter disposes of female characters particularly well and really makes a very "bonnie lassie". He sang "Nelly Gray" with a good deal of feeling, but accompaniments and a respectable chorus were sadly wanting. To our mind the best piece of the evening was the Interlude, so far as the performance went, both Davis and M'Kechnie having sustained their parts to perfection." -The North Lincoln Sphinx regimental periodical.
June 19, 1862: The Band Amateurs produced Charles Selby's Robert Macaire or The Two Murderers of Lyons. Starring T Smith (Germeuil, a wealthy farmer), T Paterson (Dument, an inn-keeper), W Dansie (Robert Macaire, under the assumed name of Bertrand), J M'Kechnie (Jacques Strop), F Girton (Charles), J F Gay (Pierre, head waiter), J Mann (Sergeant Loupy), J Grimley (Louis), B Sheeran (Francoise), J Davies (Marie), J Durney (Clementine).
This production was followed by George Wood's one-act farce, The Irish Doctor or The Dumb Lady Cured from Moliere's "Le madeein malgre Ini". Starring: J M'Kechnie (Sir Ralph Credulous), J F Gay (Walter Lovewell), F Girton (Dr Fiantie), W Dansie (Denis Murphy, a broom-maker), T Paterson (Squire Robert), B Sheeran (Dick), F Doherty (Simon, servant to Sir Ralph), T Manion (Dick, servant to Sir Ralph), J Davies (Laura Credulous), J Durney (Peggy, her maid), T Smith (Bridget, wife of Denis).
"Several of the actors were deficient in the remembrance of their parts on this occasion, and there appeared to be a superabundance of h3 (sic) on the move. Had it not been for the efforts of M'Kechnie, Davies, Gay and Dansie, both pieces would have been complete failures. The acting of all the others was decidedly lame. We recommend more rehearsals, a better cast, and a prohibition of all unnecessary h3 (sic)." -The North Lincoln Sphinx regimental periodical.
1861: Vol. One, The North Lincoln Sphinx regimental periodical by the Officers and Men, Second Battalion of the Tenth of North Lincolnshire Regiment of Foot, Keiskama Hoek.
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