Eunice Reyneke
Eunice Reyneke (19**- ) is a theatre historian and theorist.
Her name occasionally found wrongly spelled as Eunice Reynecke, and she also published as Eunice van Rooyen, Eunice Fourie and Eunice Malan.
Trained as cultural historian at the University of Pretoria
Contribution to South African theatre, film, media and performance
She joined the HSRC’s Centre for South African Theatre Research (CESAT) as a researcher and documentarian in 1980s. Helped found the South African Theatre Journal (she was technical editor for two years), helped edit The Breytie Book (Hauptfleisch, 1985) and wrote a masters thesis on the methodology of theatre research, which was published by the HSRC as ******* (198*).
Published articles and gave lectures on theatre research methodology and theatre history for a number of years and acted as advisor and contributor to various publications on South African theatre history.
Married inter alia to theatre personalities Pieter-Paul Fourie and Charles Malan.
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