Brent Meersman

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(196 - ) Journalist, photographer, novelist, poet and theatre critic.


Born in Cape Town in 1967. Studied at *** His first job was as a news photographer in 1989 at the height of the turbulence that saw the closing days of apartheid. Has had an eclectic career, spanning the arts, commerce and political arenas and is a compulsive traveller.

Work in arts and theatre

In 2003 became the performing arts critic for the Mail and Guardian covering theatre, opera, ballet and dance. He has also written extensively for New Africa Analysis magazine, London, reviewed work for the BBC and the London Financial Times, and contributed to the Sunday Independent, Business Day, The Witness, Cape Times, Die Burger, The Weekender, The Wry Republic, Politicsweb, and as a M&G Thought Leader. Meersman is also on the editorial board of Critical Stages, the journal of the International Association of Theatre Critics.

Besides his poetry and short stories, he has published three novels:Primary Coloured (2007), Reports Before Daybreak and Five Lives at Noon (2013).

Author of an article on "Mike van Graan", published in Martin Middeke, Peter Paul Schnierer and Greg Homann (editors). The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary South African Theatre. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Sources [] Saturday, April 06, 2013

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