De Liefhebbery Tooneel

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De Liefhebbery Tooneel ("The amateur theatre") was a Cape Town theatre venue founded by the amateur company Tot Nut en Vermaak in 1825.

Tot Nut en Vermaak had been using The African Theatre since 1822, opened this venue in Hope Street, Cape Town in 1825, as an alternative venue to the Afrikaansche Schouwburg. It was also referred to simply as Liefhebbery Tooneel, Kaapsche Liefhebbry Theater and Kaapsche Liefhebbery Tooneel on occasion, and as "The Amateur Theatre" by the English press.

It was this society's exclusive venue until 1834 (with the exception of sporadic appearances by English companies). Later the children’s dramatic society Tot Oefening en Vermaak played there (from 1835-1836) and from 1834 to 1838 the venue was also used by C.E. Boniface's Vlyt en Kunst. From 1837, Tot Oefening en Vermaak played there. Also referred to as the Amateur Theatre, or often bilingually as the Liefhebbery Tooneel-Amateur Theatre, depending on the company using it.

It was later known as both the Hope Street Theatre and (from 1846, when it was overhauled) the Victoria Theatre, under which names it continued to exist until 1851. It was also briefly known as the Sans Souci Theatre in 1848, when Thêàtre de L'Union played there.

The Liefhebbery Tooneel should however not be confused with another venue also situated in Hope Street, and briefly used in 1849, which was known as Haupt's Warehouse or Haupt's Theatre.



F.C.L. Bosman, 1928. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel I: 1652-1855. Pretoria: J.H. de Bussy. [1]: pp.233-249,

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