Stephen Black

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(1879-1931) Playwright, actor, producers, satirist, journalist and novelist.

Born Stephen William Black in Claremont, Cape Town. He left school in standard six, but later returned and completed his schooling at Diocesan College at 23. Black was particularly and even spectacularly popular as playwright, actor and director-producer of his own work, the first successful professional playwright in South Africa. He started out as an amateur boxer, boxing writer and manager of heavyweight boxer Mike Williams. As a part-time student in Cape Town he began writing for the Cape Argus, and Rudyard Kipling advised him to keep writing, but to concentrate on his stories of the Cape characters and dialect. This led to his first play, the immensely popular farce Love and the Hyphen (staged by De Jongh in 1908), not only the first English play by a born and bred South African, but also the first really to deal openly with the complex and humourous implications of colour in South Africa. He followed this with Helena’s Hope, Ltd, (1910), based on his experiences of mining in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and (after a stint as reporter for the London Daily Mail), Van Kalabas Does His Bit (1916). These were his most successful plays, a trilogy of plays all using the same wide range of South African characters, produced by his own theatrical company over the course of about fifteen years. Among his other works feature The Flapper (a translation and localization of La Gamine), Dr Pepper (1910), In a Belgian Village (1915), The Uitlanders, A matter of Fat, and Black Justice Up-To-Date (1929). He also wrote two novels, The Dorp and The Golden Calf, and the screenplay for the film The Life of Rhodes. When his company folded due to the flu epidemic and the workers strikes in the early twenties, he became an actor in Leonard Rayne's company and for a while published and edited a journal known as LSD (Life, Sports and Drama). After this he went to London as the representative of I.W. Schlesinger, and then retired to a farm near Nice, France. After tiring of this, he left Andree there, went to Rhodesia for a while, then returned to the Cape in 1928 as freelance journalist for the Argus. Creating a new company which took the road with reworked versions of his plays. After touring for two years, he was bought out by the Schlesinger Organisation, to edit Sjambok, a weekly critical paper they were bringing out. This was forced to close because of the many libel suits. In July 1931 he started a New Sjambok, but fell ill and died shortly afterwards in Johannesburg on the 8th August of lung cancer. His plays were never published during his life-time, but only re-discovered in the seventies when there was an upsurge of interest in early South African writing in English and the three major plays were collected and edited by Stephen Gray and published by Ad Donker in 1984, witgh the assistance of the Centre for South African Theatre Research at the Human Sciences Research Council.


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{Name of the person} (19**-19**) is a {Brief descriptive identification of the person}





Contribution to SA theatre, film, media and/or performance

Awards, etc


Bosman, 1981;

Fletcher, 1994;

Gray, 1984;

Joyce, 1999

Wikipedia [1]

SA History Online [2]

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