Leonora Nel
(19*-) Actress. **** Studied at the University of * Became a teacher in **. In 1958-9 she went on a study tour of Europe, where she was exposed to modern practices. * On her return in 1959, she joined Jannie Gildenhuys in National Theatre Organisation's NTO Youth Theatre group. They began touring in the Cape in August 1959, with works they devised and put on as a group, continuing in the Transvaal in 1960. By 1961 two groups had been formed for the two provinces. NEL, Leonora, Die jakkalsstreke van Scapino, vertaal deur Bartho Smit, Jannie Gildenhuys (regie), Tilana Hanekom, Siegfried Mynhardt, Pieter Geldenhuys, Kita Redelinghuys, Cobus Rossouw, Anton Grobler, Johan van Zyl, Frank Graves (dekor) Doreen Graves (kostuums), Peter Rorke (musiek gekomponeer). NTO jeuggroep: Jannie Gildenhuys, Cobus Rossouw & Irene Durr. Doen ook Dieselfde Pad Kootjie v/d Heever)
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