The Insect Play

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Pictures from the Insects' Life (Ze života hmyzu), also known as The Insect Play or The Life of the Insects, by the Czech writer Karel Čapek (1890-1938) and his brother Josef Čapek, a satire in which insects stand in for various human characteristics: the flighty, vain butterfly, the obsequious, self-serving dung beetle.

Durban, October 1939, produced by Mrs A. Bierman.

The Insect Play by the brothers Capek. Presented by the University of Cape Town Speech and Drama Department and produced by Nancy M. Body in the Little Theatre, March 1946. . Featuring Don Howie, Ilse Hilsenrath, John Doff, Queenie Cowan, Philip Segal, Donald Inskip; scenery and costumes designed by Hans Ebenstein.

It was performed by students of the University of the Witwatersrand School of Dramatic Art in The Nunnery at some stage between 1975 and 1983.


The South African Theatre, Music and Dance 1(1), 1939.

South African Opinion, 3(2):22; Trek, 10(18):18, 1946.

Teaterforum, 4(1), 1983, 113-114.

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