I am Herbert

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I'm Herbert by American playwright, screenwriter, and theatre producer Robert Anderson (1917-2009). One-act. Cast: mixed. Part of You Know I Can't Hear You When the Water's Running, a collection of four one-act comedies.

The original text

Translations and adaptations

Afrikaans translation by James Blanckenberg with the title Ek is Herman.

Performance history in South Africa

I'm Herbert was presented by Mavis Taylor in the Little Theatre in 1978.

Ek is Herman was presented as part of a double bill with Die Kaalkop Prima Donna at the UCTArena Theatre by the University of Cape Town Drama Department under the direction of James Blanchemnberg, opening 28 August 1987, with Nigel Maister and Lisa Hall. Stage managers Cheryl Braaf, Irit Knobel and Vanessa Levenstein, lighting design by Kevin Yates.



Theatre programme, 1987.

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