Chelsea Theatre
Chelsea Hotel
Situated in Hillbrow Johannesburg. It was a for many years a popular gathering place for Johannesburg writers, artists, musicians and theatre people and housed a very famous cabaret and performance venue in the 1960s and 1970s. See Chelsea Theatre) **.
Chelsea Theatre
A venue set up in Hillbrow’s Chelsea Hotel. Taubie Kushlick’s production of Eric Blau and Mort Shuman’s Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris, starring Ferdie Uphof, Ann Hamblin, Jean Dell and Alain D. Woolf, with Irene Frangs and Robin Dolton as understudies, and Lindsay Heard as musical director opened here on the 12 August 1972. The Company staged some of their shoestring budgeted shows here. Leonard Schach directed Robert Patrick’s Kennedy’s Children for The Company starring Bess Finney, John Higgins, Erica Rogers, John Rogers and Lynn Hooker at this theatre in 1975. Pieter-Dirk Uys’ Selle ou Storie starring Christine Basson was staged here in 1975. Dawn Lindberg directed Charles Marowitz’s The Shrew with Don McCorkindale and Molly Seftel in 1975. Taubie Kushlick was commissioned by Thomas Cooke to re-staged Jacques Brel here in November 1979 starring Ferdy Uphof, Ann Hamblin, Robin Dolton and Cathy Zerbst **** It was the launching pad for the careers of numerous singers, cabaret performers and stand-up comedians over the years, including **. In addition many more experinental theatrical works were done there, including Kennedy’s Children (The Company, 197*), (Tucker, 1997)
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