In 1961 the National Theatre Organization was disbanded and replaced by four provincial performing arts councils. In Cape Town the Cape Performing Arts Board (CAPAB) was instituted in 1962 with the aim to promote the performing arts in the Cape Province and South Arica. The arts councils received sufficient government subsidies to fund various art forms as well as the operational requirements of the theatre facilities.
Theatres and other facilities
Nico Malan Theatre Centre
CAPAB programmed and managed the Nico Malan Theatre Centre as a production house with four arts companies – orchestra, opera, ballet and drama. These companies had full-time artistes, technical and administrative staff.
Since 1994 government policy changed dramatically. All performing arts boards were transformed to playhouses and the various arts companies had to become independent. Artscape was launched on 27 March 1999 to replace CAPAB and the cebntre was renamed the Artscape Theatre Centre.
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