The International Association of heatre Critics
The IATC draws together more than two thousand theatre critics, through some fifty National Sections. Founded in Paris in 1956, the IATC is a non-profit, Non-Governmental Organization benefitting under statute B of UNESCO.
The purpose of the IATC is to bring together theatre critics in order to promote international cooperation. Its principal aims are to foster theatre criticism as a discipline and to contribute to the development of its methodological bases; to protect the ethical and professional interests of theatre critics and to promote the common rights of all its members; and to contribute to reciprocal awareness and understanding between cultures by encouraging international meetings and exchanges in the field of theatre in general.
The IATC holds a world congress every two years, seminars for young critics twice a year, as well as symposiums, and contributes to juries. English and French are the association's two official languages, and its place of incorporation is Paris.
While South Africa does not have a local chapter, a number of South African critics have been members over the years.
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