Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast. Produced by Sefton Parry in his Cape Town theatre 1857, possibly the first English pantomime presented in full in South Africa, though Parry himself claimed this distinction for Babes in the Wood (1858 - qv) For one performance only. After that there have been numerous local performances of the tale. Some of them are: the 1961 Children’s Theatre production directed by Anthony Farmer; the 1970s* production by Compass Productions, using the 1951 text by Nicholas Stuart Gray and directed by Helen Houghton at [[Space Theatre|The Space (Cape Town), with James Andrews, Lyn Banner, Paul Bosman, Nicholas Fine, Cindy Just, Judith Krummeck and Corinne Willoughby. (Designs by René Hermanus, sound and lighting by Tony Twine and Vivian Bickford as SM.); *.
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