M.C. Botha
Revision as of 09:15, 31 July 2012 by Satj (talk | contribs) (→(19*--) Novelist, poet and playwright.)
(1886-1959). Educationist, writer of Afrikaans textbooks and translator.
First chairman of the SABC when the government took over the broadcasting services in 1936. Translated Karel Çapek's R.U.R. into Afrikaans, for production by Volksteater in 1939. *
Joyce, 1999
(18**-19**)Minister of Bantu Education.
Michiel Coenraad Botha, known as MC Botha, was the Minister of Bantu Administration and Education (1966) in the government of Dr HF. Verwoerd. A qualified teacher obtained degree at the Stellenbosch University
(19*--) Novelist, poet and playwright [*?].
Michiel Christoffel Botha
Joyce, 1999
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