Yvonne Williams-Short
Yvonne Williams-Short (fl 1980s-1990s) was a ballet company manager and publicist.
Contribution to South African theatre, film, media and performance
For a while she had been the public relations consultant to the University of Cape Town Ballet Company, then manager of the CAPAB Ballet Company (at the time led by Dulcie Howes). In 1980 she took over from Felicity Jervis as the public relations officer for the Baxter Theatre Complex, a job she kept till her retirement.
In this capacity one of her most enduring contributions to the history of South Arican theatre culture, was to be her role as co-editor, with Brian Barrow, of the 1987 book Theatre Alive!: The Baxter Story, 1977-1987, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Baxter Theatre Complex.
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