Passport to Yesterday

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Passport to Yesterday is a radio play by Enid Hollins ()[]

The original text

A play about a girl who wakes up on a beach, not knowing how she got there. A young man arrives and offers to help her.

Broadcast in Australia on ABC's Saturday Playbill, 8 May 1954, directed by John Cairns.

Broadcast on BBC Home Service Basic on 3 November 1960.

Translations and adaptations

Translated into Afrikaans as Voor die Preekstoel ("before the pulpit") by an unnnamed author.

Broadcast history in South Africa

1961: Voor die Preekstoel recorded in the Cape Town studios in September, directed by Pieter Grobbelaar, and broadcast nationally from Johannesburg on the SABC Afrikaans service on 27 October.


ABC weekly, Vol. 16 No. 18 (1 May 1954): p.24[1]

Bound copy of the typed text of Voor die Preekstoel, containing details of the broadcast, found in the Stellenbosch Drama Department archives in 2022.

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