La Famille Benoîton
La Famille Benoîton is a play by Victorien Sardou ()[].
A play about female frivolity and the disdain aristocrats have for self-made men.
Adapted into German as "Volksstück" in four acts called Hasemanns Töchter by Adolphe L' Arronge (1838-1908)[1]. The German play had its premiere in 1877.
This play's title not to be confused with the 21st century German singing duo called Hasemanns Töchter
The German play was in turn translated into Dutch by E.S. Culp ()[] as a comedy in four acts called De Dochters van Haseman
Hasemanns Töchter was turned into a German silent film by Heinrich Bolten-Baeckers in 1920[2].
Volkert J. Nobel (ed.). 1968. Verdwenen water, gewonnen melk (Westfries Genootschap
Archivering)pp. 58-66[3]
Facsimile version of the manuscript of Hasemann's Töchter: "Original-Volksstück mit Gesang in 4 Acten von Adolf L'Arronge", with music by Carl Millöcker, Lewy, 1877, Google E-book[4]
William Grange. 2006. Historical Dictionary of German Theater. Scarecrow Press: pp. 154-5 [5]