Jannie Kortbroek
Jannie Kortbroek ("Johnny short pants") was a comedy by J P Acland Bischoff
The original text
Jannie Kortbroek ("Johnny short pants") was a South African comedy by an unknown author.
The original text
Attributed to Stephen Black by P.W. Laidler in his Annals of the Cape Stage (1926), a belief taken up by later sources (e.g. the Standard Encyclopaedia of South Africa, Thelma Gutsche and Jill Fletcher).
However, Stephen Gray (1999, p.101), cleaims that was not by Black, but a work written in imitation of Stephen Black's popular plays, and was misattributed to Black by P.W. Laidler in his Annals of the Cape Stage (1926).
The play is also attributed to a J.P. Acland Bischoff by the Eastern Province Herald of June 7, 1916. (This is an author that we have not been able to trace to date.)
Translations and adaptations
Performance history in South Africa
1916: Staged at the Port Elizabeth Opera House from June 9-15.
Eastern Province Herald, June 7, 1916.
Stephen Gray. 1999. Free-lancers and Literary Biography in South Africa. Rodopi, 1999: p.101.
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