The Critic

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The Critic: or, a Tragedy Rehearsed is a satire by Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)[1].

The original text

It was first staged at Drury Lane Theatre in 1779. It is a burlesque on stage acting and play production conventions, and Sheridan considered the first act to be his finest piece of writing.

The play contains scenes from a fictional play by Puff called The Spanish Armada, itself later satirized in plays such as .

Published in Sheridan's plays, introduction and notes by Lewis Gibbs. Dent, 1906.

Performance history in South Africa

1954: Directed by Leonard Schach for the UCT Dramatic Society and Children's Theatre at the Little Theatre, April 1954. Decor by Cecil Pym. In the cast: Jenny Gratus, Peter Boyce.

Translations and adaptations


Inskip, 1977. p 119.

Inskip, 1972.

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