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Liliom is a Hungarian play by Ferenc Molnár (1878–1952)[1].

The original text


Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1941: Performed as a play reading by the South African Unity Theatre Group in Johannesburg, with Fred Loehnen, Daphne Kaplan, Benny Sischy, Lorraine White.

1946: Presented by the University of Cape Town Speech Training Department and produced by Lily-Jean Satusky in the Little Theatre in June , with George Stelzner, Zea Lurie, Harry Mann, Rachel King, Diana Berliner, Frank Wienburg, Anne Kretzmar. Settings by Basil Warner, lighting by H. Lerner.

1953: Directed by Cecil Williams, it was performed in the Library Theatre, Johannesburg in May with Leon Gluckman as "Liliom", Molly Seftel as "Julie". Other members of the cast include Maureen Chanani, Noreen Sterling, Frances Hossy.


Trek, 15 August 1941, 19.

South African Opinion, 3(5):23; Trek, 10(26):18, 1946.

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