Bernth Lindfors

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Bernth Lindfors (1938-) is an academic, researcher and author, with a special interest in African literature and performance.


Born in Sweden in 1938, he trained at Northwestern University and Harvard University, later becoming professor of English and African literatures at the University of Texas at Austin, where he has established himself as one of the most renowned critics and historiographers of African literature and a prolific writer on the subject.

Awards: Guggenheim Fellowship for Humanities, US & Canada

His many works include

Contribution to South African theatre, film, media and performance

Early Black South African Writing in English by Bernth Lindfors, Africa World Press, 2011

Awards, etc

Guggenheim Fellowship for Humanities, US & Canada


Chris Dunton. 2012. "Lindfors generous, barbed, acidly witty", posted on SLiP, Stellenbosch, on July 19, 2012.