Batavian Republic

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The Batavian Republic was the name for the

After the French Revolution, the newly founded Republic of France conquered the Netherlands in 1795. The Netherlands became known as the Batavian Republic and the ruler of the Netherlands, Prince William of Orange, had to flee to England.

In England, the prince asked the British to prevent France taking possession of the Dutch colonies. Britain obliged and, as a result, occupied Cape colony in South Africa. Problems occurred almost immediately because not all the inhabitants of the Cape were in favour of British occupation.

In terms of the Treaty of Amiens signed in 1802 (between England and France), the British returned the Cape Colony to the Netherlands in February 1803. It was then renamed the Batavian Republic. Although they governed for three years only, their enlightened administration of the Cape was a great improvement upon the rule of the Dutch East India Company, which had lasted from 1652 to 1795. Commissioner-General J.A. de Mist and the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, Lieutenant-General J.W. Janssens, sponsored development and reforms.