M. Decanis

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M. Decanis (Monsieur Decanis) was a professional actor.

He visited Cape Town in 1837 and is listed as being from the "Theatre Royal, Paris". He was presumably on his way to Mauritius when he spent a while in Cape Town, performing there on 28 February and 7 March 1837. The programme refers to A Fantasmagorie, an illusionary presentation (magic lantern presentation[1]) in the style of "the celebrated Pantomime of Prof. Le Conte", as well as A Fairy Dance , some other amusements by Mr J.J. de Kock and performances by an orchestra.


F.C.L. Bosman, 1928. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel I: 1652-1855. Pretoria: J.H. de Bussy. [2]: pp. 230-1, 338, 368, 384.

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