Jacques Dusseau & Co

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Jacques Dusseau & Co Through the initiative of a Mr J.K. Huizinga, of Amsterdam, and at the insistence of the Dutch churches in South Africa, the publishing firm Jacques Dusseau & Co[1] of Amsterdam founded a branch in Cape Town on 1 May 1894, to sell and publish religious books among the Dutch speaking population of South Africa. The business was run by the Fellema brothers, and their initial publications were virtually all religious works, with some historical and educational publications from time to time.

By the late 1890s the Cape Town branch had run into financial difficulties , and was taken over by the Pretoria based branch of J.H. de Bussy Beperk (J.H. de Bussy Ltd) of Amsterdam, in 1900. The joint company began to publish some works under the new name of Hollandsch-Afrikaansche Uitgevers Maatshappij, though De Bussy also continued to use its own imprint.

Due to problems with their other overseas businesses, the firm De Bussy withdrew from South Africa, and HAUM became a totally South African owned company.