ESAT Bibliography N

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N.T.O. besoek klein plekkies. 1951. Brandwag, 15(38): 61. October 19.

N.T.O. op reis met „Verkiesing sonder politiek!“ 1956. Brandwag, 20(9): 4. Maech 30.

x N.T.O. se antwoord. 1955. Brandwag, 19(26): 4. July 29.

N.T.O. stel sy saak. 1955. Huisgenoot, 40(1739): 5 July 18.

N.T.O. stel sy standpunt. 1955. Helikon, 5(21): 98-101. September.

NAIDOO, MUTUAL & SCHAUFFER, DENNIS. Indic Theatre Monograph Series, No. 1 and 2 (Temple Hauptfleisch) South African theatre journal, 8(1): 88-90.

Naidoo, Muthal 1997. In search of cultural identity: a personal view of South African Indian theatre. Theatre Journal 49(1): 29-39.

Naidoo, Muthal 1993. The search for a cultural identity: a personal odyssey. Indic theatre monograph series; (1).

NAIDOO, V. 1997. Interview with Zakes Mda in Alternation 4.1.1

Naidu, V. 1996. The integration of the spoken, written and gestural ex-pression of the learner through educational drama, with specific reference to the theories and practices of Dorothy Heathcote. Durban: University of Natal. (MA thesis).

Nasionale toneelorganisasie. 1951. Brandwag, 15(14): 3-5. May 4.

Nasionale toneelorganisasie. 1953. Brandwag, 17(4) :3-4. February 13.

Natal Playhouse. 1986. Scenaria, (63): 3-31.

Natal Playhouse remodelling : interesting engineering challenges. 1986. The civil engineer in South Africa, 28(11) : 421-423.

Natal provincial theatre complex : precast acoustic drapes (reflectors). 1986. The civil engineering contractor, 20(10) : 8-11.

Natal performing arts council is now firmly launched. 1964. Vita musica, 1(5): 14-18. The Natal Playhouse : a part of Durban’s history. 1986. Scenaria, (63) : 3-9 ; 11-16.

Nathoo, R. 1996. Processing and learning through drama. Positive outlook, 3(3): 18-19.

NATIONAL DRAMA LIBRARY. 1966. Basic Catologue. Bloemfontein.

National drama library and the teacher. 1978. NEON, 26: 10-13. April.

National theatre plans 40 000 pounds scheme for drama. 1951. Lantern, 1(2): 141-143.

Naudé, Colleen. 2000. Hy laat die poppe dans. In: Finansies & Tegniek, August 4, 2000.

Naudé, J.H. 1967. Werksaamhede van die dramaleesgroep. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 5(4): 26-29.

Naudé, S.C.M. 1950a. Fleurjaar van ons toneel. Huisgenoot, 34(1456): 4-8. February 17.

Naudé, S.C.M. 1950b. The rise of Afrikaans theatre. Trek: South Africa’s literary magazine. 14(4): 8-10.

Naudé, S.C.M. 1985. Breytie die onderwysman. In: Hauptfleisch, Temple, The Breytie Book. Johannesburg: The Limelight Press. P.27-48. Naudé, Wena 1945. Stigters van die Afrikaanse beroepstoneel. Huisgenoot, 30(1221): 21. August 17.

Ndebele, Mfundo. 1994. Young lives in a time of change. In: New Nation, July 29, 1994: 11.

Ndebele, Mfundo. 1995a. Picking on pensioners. In: New Nation, March 30, 1995: 11.

Ndebele, Mfundo. 1995b. Song of hope. In: New Nation, July 28, 1995: 19.

Ndebele, Mfundo. 1995c. People’s State. In: New Nation, August 18, 1995: 19.

Ndebele, Mfundo. 1995d. Bloody past - Reliving a national tragedy. In: New Nation, November 24, 1995: 21. Ndebele, Mfundo 1995. Mofokeng’s challenge. In: New Nation, March 9, 1995: 15.

Ndebele, Mfundo. 1996. Searching for a cultural identity. In: New Nation, January 19, 1996: 21.

Ndebele, Mfundo. 1997. Healing black communities’ social fabric. In: New Nation, February 7, 1997: 13.

Ndebele, Mfundo. 1998. Director’s take on SA theatre. In: The Sowetan, June 12, 1998: 11.

Ndebele, N. (1998) ‘Memory, metaphor and the triumph of narrative’. In Nutall and Coetzee (Eds.) Negotiating the past. The making of memory in South Africa.Cape Town: Oxford University Press

NDLOVU, DUMA (ED.). 1986. Woza Afrika! An Anthology of South African Plays. New York: George Braziller.

Nebe, Wak 1991. A critical analysis of the teaching technique role play, with particular reference to educational drama. Cape Town: University of Cape Town. (MA thesis).

Neethling, Miemie. 2000. To fund or not to fund – Standard Bank National Arts Festival – Grahamstown, 30 June – 9 July 2000. SATJ 14: 202-217.

Neethling, Miemie 2002. Cape curtains: a study of selected Cape Town theatres, 1843-1916. Stellenbosch: Universiteit van Stellenbosch. (MA (Dram)-tesis.)

Neethling, Miemie 2000. To fund or not to fund: Standard Bank National Arts Festival 2000. South African theatre journal, 14:202-217.

Neethling-Pohl, Anna 1940. Wenke by ‘n opvoering. Huisgenoot, 24(938): 35. Maart 15.

Neethling-Pohl, Anna 1943. Mathilde Hanekom. Huisgenoot, 28(1120): 29. September 10.

Neethling-Pohl, Anna 1948. Dankwoord en ‘n belydenis uitgespreek by die ontvangs van die erepenning vir toneelspel van die Akademie op 3 Julie 1948. Tydskrif vir wetenskap en kuns, 8(2): 29-31.

Neethling-Pohl, Anna 1974. Dankbaar die uwe (“Gratefully yours”). Kaapstad : Human & Rousseau.

Nienaber, D. Breytenbach: Technikaon Pretoria se kultuurtrots. Opvoed kult, 7(3): 4-6.

Nel, Frederik Jacobus 1972. Die Kaapstadse Afrikaanse toneelvereniging : (1934-1962). Stellenbosch: Universiteit van Stellenbosch. (MA-tesis.)

Nel, Jan H. 1993. Safety in the theatre: a South African dilemma. South African theatre journal, 7(2): 41-53.

Nel, R. 2007. “Die Here is my business partner”: praat met Alvin Bruinders. Sarie, 14(5): 70-72, 74.

Nell, Johann 1944. Establishment of a really national theatre. Outspan. 35(892): 21.

Nell, L. 1981. Performing arts. My career, 32: 67-72.

Nepgen, Rosa 1970. Oor boeke [‘n Skip is ons beloof deur George Louw en Nag van legio deur P.G. du Plessis]. Huisgenoot, 42(2523): 66-67. August 7.

New and vital theatre. 1941. Forum. 4(18): 12.

New approach to cultural life. 1963. South African panorama, 8(4): 32-35.

The new Secunda Theatre. 1986. Scenaria, (68) : 9-10.

A new wave of cultural energy: Black theatre in South Africa. 1978. Theatre quarterly, 7(28): 57-63.

NGEMA, M.: 1995. The Best of Mbongeni Ngema: The Man and his Music. Johannesburg: Skotaville.

Nichols, L. 1967. Rising star. [Janet Suzman]. Fair lady, 3(4): 16-19. April 19.

Nicholson, Helen 2007. Drama from Slough to Cape Town: creativity and the challenge of global citizenship: Helen Nicholson reflects on issues emerging from a drama partnership between primary schools in Slough and the Cape Flat townships in South Africa. English drama media, 8: 31.

Nico Malan opera house, Cape Town. 1971. Public works, roads and transport. 9-23. February.

Nico Malan theatre. 1978. Scenaria, December/January: 12-14.

Nicolas-Fanourakis, D. 1977. Learning from the theatre: an account of interpersonal contact across the racial divide; with discussion. Speak, 1(1): 46-49. December.

NIEMAND COMMISSION, The. 1977. Commission of Inquiry into the Performative Arts in South Africa. Pretoria: Government Printer.

NIEMAND, J.H. 1985. Die Niemand-kommissie: sy opdrag en werkmetodes. In: Temple Hauptfleisch (ed), The Breytie Book. Randburg: The Limelight Press. p. 106-109.

Niemann, R. 1975. Droom! Droom! My lewe vir ‘n droom. [Wena Naudé]. Sarie Marais, 27(7): 156-163. September 26.

Nienaber, D. 1984. Die Breytenbach: Technikon Pretoria se kultuurtrots. Education and culture, 7(3): 4-6.

NIENABER, G.S. 1942. Afrikaans tot 1960. Patriotvereniging, No 6.

NIENABER, P.J. 1951. Perspektief en Profiel. Johannesburg: Perskor.

Nienaber, P.J. 1983. Hulle laat die verlede leef. 2. Op die spoor van klank en word. Publico, 3(1): 14-19.

Nieuwoudt, G. 1971. Patrick Mynhardt se bloed kook! Huisgenoot, 42(2574): 32-33. August 6.

Nieuwoudt, Stephanie. 2000. Kunstefeeste moet jonges trek, sê Brit. In: Beeld, July 10, 2000: 8.

Nieuwoudt, Stephanie 2009. Oorerflike talent: tienertoneel. Taalgenoot, 67(6): 40-42.

Night of the long wake. [Dramatic criticism]. Scenaria, (36): 29.

Nightsong: performance, power, and practice in South Africa. 1997. Reviewed in TDR, 41: 160.

Nkosi, L. (1981) Tasks and Masks: themes and styles f African literature. Harlow, Essex: Longman.

Nkosi__________ (1998) ‘Postmodernism and black writing in South Africa’. In Attridge and Jolly (eds) Writing South Africa: Literature, Apartheid and Democracy, 1970-1995. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press.

No theatrical airs with this system [theatres – security]. 1986. Scenaria, (63) : 35.

Nolte, E. 1982. Geure en kle(u)re in Periandros van Kortinthe (D.J. Opperman), Haar naam was Hanna en Wie onthou vir Kinna? (Henriëtte Grové). Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 20(4) : 79-91.

Novello, Ivor 1947. I plan to send or bring out other shows to the Union. Outspan. 45(1079): 15-17. October 31.

Noyce, M. 1984. Aspects of the structural design of the Natal Playhouse. South African construction world, 3(10) : 38-47.

Ntshali, F. 1977. [Aspects of South African Black drama]. Speak, 1(1): 57-58. December.

Ntuli, D.B.Z. and Swanepoel, C.F. 1993. Southern African literatures in African Languages: A concise historical perspective. Pretoria: Acacia.

Nunns, Stephen 2007. The Market turns a corner: the revolutionary South African theatre is facing a complex new century. American theatre, 24(7): 54-60.

NYATSUMBA, K. 1990. Theatre in a Rut. In: Tribute January: 68-69.

NYATSUMBA, K. 1990. Theatre in a Rut. Tribute January: 68-69.

Nyembe, R.T. 1998. The role of drama studies in a new education policy: a critical investigation of current curriculum proposals for educational drama. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand. (MA thesis).

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