Robert Coleman

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(1959-) Actor, director, writer, teacher.


Born in Johannesburg


Studied at University of Cape Town.


Contribution to SA theatre, film, media and/or performance

Starred in Jean Genet’s The Maids in 1993 and in East and Scenes from an Execution. Co-wrote Two Straight Queers in 1996. Workshopped, wrote and directed the jazzy gay musical After Nines in 1998. Co-author, with Matthew Krouse, of the political cabaret Dead Man (1985) - for other plays on this theme see Tsafendas. Directed No Room for Squares with Coco Merckel in 2000. Workshopped and directed Your Loving Simon in 2003.

Awards, etc

A winner in the Johannesburg Civic Theatre's New Stages project in the early 1990s, making his director’s debut with Afro-Dizzia.


Sunday Times, 27 Aug 1995.

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