Keely and Du

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Keely and Du, is a play by American playwright Jane Martin [1], whose real identity remains unknown.

The original text

A volatile drama about abortion. Du, a right to life activist, and Keely, a pregnant rape victim she is confining, transcend their circumstances and the ideological issues that separate them.

Keely and Du is described as "a mind probing issue play with a gripping human face. Who is accountable? What is the extent of individual freedom? What are a rape victim's rights? What is a Christian's realities of procreation? Their passionate stories exist on the extreme edge of everyday reality".

Performance history in South Africa

1997: Presented at the National Arts Festival and the Hilton Drama Festival in 1997 by Lara Foot Newton, directed by Yael Farber, starring Sean Taylor, Henrietta Gryffenberg, Lynn White, Lionel Newton.

2001: Performed in the Kellerteater by the Stellenbosch Drama Department from 18 to 22 September. Directed by Zoettje Hofmeyr, assisted by Heinrich Beisheim, with Tanya Baleson, Isabel Martins, Gilliam Johan Winckler, Matthew Bilton

2002: Presented by KickstArt at the Square Space Theatre, University of Natal (Durban), directed by Greg King, from 26 February to 16 March, starring Vera Clare.


National Arts Festival programme, 1997.

Theatre programme (2002 production) accompanied by press clippings, internet reviews and a programme insert held by NELM: [Collection: KORT, Maurice]: 2012. 379. 19. 8.

Programme and prompt script for the Stellenbosch production in 2001, found in the Stellenbosch Drama Departement archives in 2022.

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