Mathilde, ou la Jalousie

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Mathilde, ou la Jalousie is a French comedy in three acts (with music) by Jean-François Bayard (1796-1853)[1] and Laurencin (Paul-Aimé Chapelle, 1806-1890)[2].

The original text

First performed at the Théâtre National du Vaudeville, Paris, on 3 June,1835. Published as Mathilde, ou la jalousie: comédie en trois actes, mêlée de chants by Dondey-Dupré in Paris in 1835.

Translations and adaptations

Freely adapted into English as a comedy in three acts by Leicester Silk Buckingham (1825-1867)[3] as Faces in the Fire, it was first performed St James’s Theatre, London, in March 1865.

Performance history in South Africa

1884: Performed in English as Faces in the Fire by Henry Harper company in the Theatre Royal, Burg Street, Cape Town on the 18th July with The Two Gregories (Sewrin/Dibdin).


Facsimile version of original French text, [4]

“The London Theatres” in The London Review March 4 1865: p. 249[5]

F.C.L. Bosman. 1980. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel II, 1856-1912. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik: pp.

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