The Critic

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The Critic: or, a Tragedy Rehearsed is a satire by Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)[1].

The original text

It was first staged at Drury Lane Theatre in 1779. It is a burlesque on stage acting and play production conventions, and Sheridan considered the first act to be his finest piece of writing.

Published in Sheridan's plays, introduction and notes by Lewis Gibbs. Dent, 1906.

Performance history in South Africa

1954: Directed by Leonard Schach for the UCT Dramatic Society and Children's Theatre at the Little Theatre, April 1954. Decor by Cecil Pym. In the cast: Jenny Gratus, Peter Boyce.

Translations and adaptations


Inskip, 1977. p 119.

Inskip, 1972.

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