Ria Olivier

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(19**-) Actress, speech teacher and director.


She was married to Fred le Roux.




Started her acting career performing for the Barend Fourie Geselskap, an Afrikaans touring company. She went on to become an actress for André Huguenet and Wena Naudé. Also a speech teacher for the Akademie vir Dramakuns in Cape Town and Stellenbosch, later went on to teach speech at and direct plays for**? the Department of Drama, University of Stellenbosch and influence a large number of teachers and performers.

Contribution to SA theatre, film, media and/or performance

Started her acting career performing for the Barend Fourie Geselskap, an Afrikaans touring company which began its tour in Caledon on 6 April 1934, playing Sy Pa se Skuld ("His Father's Fault/Debt") by D.P. du Toit. Other members of his company were Jaques (Jac or "Lokkie") Jaques Lochner and Joan de Villiers. Among her roles were *** in Die Kwaksalwer (1939), By die ou Meulstroom (19**) **.… (19**-19**).

After moving to Cape Town she has appeared in Die Verterende Vuur, Vroue van Troje as Hekabe, Romeo en Jeannette (1960), Juffrou Edelwater as Mevrou Wang (1962).

Awards, etc


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