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The World can refer to a stage play or to a South African journal

The World a play by Meritt, Pettitt and Harris ()

The original text

A drama in 5 acts (9 tableaux), written by Paul Meritt (1843/4–1895)[1], Henry Pettitt (1848-1893)[2] and Augustus Harris (1825-1873)[3], it was first performed in London at the Drury Lane Theatre on 31 July, 1880.

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1882: Performed by the Mabel Hayes Company in the Theatre Royal in Burg Street, Cape Town, as part of a season of plays.






D.C. Boonzaier, 1923. "My playgoing days – 30 years in the history of the Cape Town stage", in SA Review, 9 March and 24 August 1932. (Reprinted in Bosman 1980: pp. 374-439.)

F.C.L. Bosman. 1980. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel II, 1856-1912. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik: p.375

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The World a South African periodical (1956-1980)

The journal

The World was a sequel to The Bantu World and preceded The Sowetan. Publication was by Bantu Press, Ltd from 1956.


SACat: A union catalogue of items held by Southern African libraries.

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