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''[[The Two Executioners]]'' (''Les deux bourreaux'' in the original French) (1958), by Spanish playwright, novelist and filmmaker Fernando Arrabal [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fernando_Arrabal ](born 1932).  One-act. Cast: mixed.
#REDIRECT[[Les Deux Bourreaux]]
==Translations and adaptations==
Translated into English as ''[[The Two Executioners]]''
Translated from the French into [[Afrikaans]] as ''[[Die Twee Laksmanne]]'' by [[Nerina Ferreira]].
== Performance history in South Africa ==
''[[Die Twee Laksmanne]]'' was presented by [[CAPAB]] in a lunch-hour production in February 1971 at the [[Hofmeyr Theatre]] with [[Price Coetzee]] (Maurice), [[David Haynes]], [[Pieter Geldenhuys]], [[Mees Xteen]], [[Nerina Ferreira]] and [[Paul Slabolepszy]]. Directed by [[Pieter Fourie]] (in his debut as director); decor by [[Pieter de Swardt]].
== Sources ==
Wikipedia [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fernando_Arrabal].
''Die Twee Laksmanne'' programme
Photograph - NELM Manuscripts - [Collection: FLETCHER, Jill]: 2005. 75. 19. 50).
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Latest revision as of 06:14, 15 February 2017

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