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='''ESAT: The Encyclopaedia of South African Theatre, Film, Media and Performance'''=
<big>Welcome to the '''''[[Encyclopaedia of South African Theatre, Film, Media and Performance]] ([[ESAT]])''''', the [[open access]], online and [[Wiki]]-based, '''digital reference work''' on theatre, film, media and performance in South Africa.</big> 
Originally conceived and founded by [[Temple Hauptfleisch]], [[ESAT]] is a national research programme, involving a large number of voluntary writers, researcher, editors and technical supporters.
== The Editorial Board ==
<small>'''NOTE: ''To skip the introductory notes and instructions for using the encyclopaedia and go directly to the listing of contents, simply click in the link below:''</small>
'''Founder and project director''': [[Temple Hauptfleisch]]
'''<big>[[The ESAT Entries|INDEX TO ESAT ENTRIES]]</big>'''
'''Editor - South African Theatre and Performance''': [[Temple Hauptfleisch]]
''This page was last modified on 23 August, 2024''
'''Editor - South African Film''': [[Freddy Ogterop]]
'''Editor - South African Radio''':
=<big>'''About [[ESAT]] and how to use it'''</big>=
'''Editor - South African Television''':
=='''Introduction to the ''[[ESAT]]'' project'''==
'''Editorial assistant and researcher''': [[Miriam Terblanche]]
==='''The project'''===
==Technical support==
The ''[[ESAT]]'' encyclopaedia-project was conceived as an interactive resource for researchers interested in the evolution, history and forms of performance and media in South Africa, and it is based on research originally undertaken by the ''[[Centre for South African Theatre Research]]'' under the auspices of, and with the support of, the [[Human Sciences Research Council]] ([[HSRC]]) between 1979 and 1987. In 1988 the research was transferred to, and continued at, the [[University of Stellenbosch]] by the ''[[Centre for Theatre and Performance Studies]]'', with the support of the University's Division for Research Development, the former [[Centre for Science Development]] ([[CSD]])  and the [[National Research Foundation]] ([[NRF]]). The website was opened for public use in 2011.
'''Web publisher''': [[University of Stellenbosch]], South Africa and the [[Libopedia]] project of the University of Stellenbosch Library Services[http://wiki.lib.sun.ac.za/index.php/Libopedia:About]
'''''Please note that any opinion, finding and conclusion or recommendation expressed in this material is that of the particular author(s) and that none of the sponsors of the project accept any liability in this regard.'''''
'''Editorial offices''': [[University of Stellenbosch, Department of Drama]]
The project is currently headed by [[Temple Hauptfleisch]] (original founder, editor-in-chief and project director of the undertaking), with the assistance of [[Freddy Ogterop]], [[Ivor Markman]], [[Karina Hauptfleisch]], [[Darryl Nel]]  and [[Christo Snyman]] as assistant editors, while numerous contributors across the globe have helped in collating and writing the information since its first inception. It uses the standard  [[Wiki]] programme and is published on the web with the assistance of  the [[University of Stellenbosch, Department of Drama|Drama Department]] (http://www.sun.ac.za/drama) and its former [[Centre for Theatre and Performance Studies]], the IT staff of the [[J.S. Gericke Library]] and the division for Information Technology at the [[University of Stellenbosch]] (http://www.sun.ac.za/index.asp).
= Introduction =
'''''For more detailed information on the nature of the project, including the history and aims of the encyclopaedia and the names of all the editors, researchers and supporting staff involved - go to their entry on the encyclopaedia by clicking on the link below:'''''
* <big>'''[[About ESAT]]'''</big>
'''ESAT: The Encyclopaedia of South African Theatre, Film, Media and Performance''' is an open access, internet based interactive resource for researchers interested in the evolution, history and forms of performance and media in South Africa. Deriving from the University of Stellenbosch's [[Libopedia]][http://wiki.lib.sun.ac.za/index.php/Libopedia:About]
==='''Contacting the [[ESAT]] editors''' ===
project, it uses the [[Wiki]] format and programmes and is published on the web with the assistance of  the [[University of Stellenbosch, Department of Drama|Drama Department]] (http://www.sun.ac.za/drama) and its former [[Centre for Theatre and Performance Studies]], the [[J.S. Gericke Library]] and  the division for Information Technology at the [[University of Stellenbosch]] (http://www.sun.ac.za/index.asp)
This work is based on research supported by the [[National Research Foundation]]. However, any opinion, finding and conclusion or recommendation expressed in this material is that of the authors and the [[NRF]] does not accept any liability in this regard.
'''You can contact [[ESAT]] at the following addresses:'''
= Aims of ESAT =
''Postal address'': The Editor: [[ESAT]], Department of Drama, [[University of Stellenbosch]], Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602, South Africa.'''''
The key aim of the [[ESAT]] encyclopaedia[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encyclopedia] is to create a comprehensive database on the history and nature of [[South African]] [[performance]], including [[theatre]], [[drama]], [[radio drama]] and [[Television drama|TV drama]], [[film]],  [[dance]], [[puppetry]], [[circus]], [[oral performance]] and similar forms, and to make it available as a general reference work and resource for the use of researchers, students, artists, journalist and all other interested parties.  
''E-mail address'': satj@sun.ac.za
''Fax number'': (+ 27) 21 882 9141
= About ESAT =
==='''How to use ''ESAT'''''===
==[[What is ESAT?]]==
While [[ESAT]] uses the [[Wiki]] programme, which makes provision for a very useful '''''search''''' function, the database has avoided contemporary multi-screen web-design, and has been constructed rather more traditionally, like a printed encyclopaedia, with an '''[[The ESAT Entries|Index]]''' to the various entries (also called '''[[The ESAT Entries]]'''). The entries in the [[The ESAT Entries|Index]] have been grouped in '''sixteen''' distinct categories, each one managed and edited by one of the research editors.
==[[The Research Team|The Research Team and Contributors]]==  
=== Four important notes for everyone using ''ESAT''===
# '''[[The main focus is on pre-21st-century theatre, film, media and performance]]'''
# '''[[It is work in progress and thus subject to error on occasion]]'''
# '''[[Policy regarding offensive language and terminology]]'''
# '''[[ESAT is not an archival facility]]'''
==[[Background, origins and history]]==
''To find out more about these matters, click on the relevant item(s) listed above.''
==[[Basic principles in editing and using ESAT]]==
=== Accessing the database of entries===
==[[Updating ESAT]]==
To access '''database material''' on the relevant category, the reader has two options:
==[[Guide to using ESAT]]==
=== Using the "Search" function ===
Go to the '''''"Search"''''' block at the top right of this page (or type: Alt+F),  type in the search word/phrase and click on the '''search''' icon there (the magnifying glass) or press the '''''Enter''''' button on your keyboard.
=== Using the '''Index'''===
# [[What is ESAT?]]
Simply click on '''[[The ESAT Entries]]''' at the start of this main page (or '''[[The ESAT Entries|HERE]]''') , to go to the list of 16 categories into which the material has been divided. On the list provided, click on the appropriate one, then follow instructions on the landing page.
# [[The Research Team|The Research Team and Contributors]]
# [[Acknowledgements]]  
# [[Background, origins and history]]
# [[Basic principles in editing and using ESAT]]
# [[Updating ESAT]]
# [[Guide to using ESAT]]
= '''Two important notes for all readers''' =
=='''NB''': Copyright and referencing of material used==
== 1 Time-frame and focus on pre-21st century people and events ==
[[ESAT]] is an [[open access]] publication, which means that even though the material contained in the encyclopaedia is [[copyright]]ed to [[ESAT]] and the [[University of Stellenbosch]], it may be freely used for academic and artistic purposes as long as such use is clearly referenced and the material used is attributed to The '''[[Encyclopaedia of South African Theatre, Film, Media and Performance]]''' ('''[[ESAT]]'''), the reference also including the '''URL for the particular entry''' in [[ESAT]].
Because so much information about contemporary arts is already available on the Internet, the aim of this first phase of the project is primarily to provide information about the ''earlier'' periods in our history, or what one might think of as '''pre-21st century''' theatre, film, media and performance; that is: material from older print publications and manuscripts, not always readily to be found on the Internet yet. For information on more recent, post-2000 events, readers are therefore urged to use the various search engines available, and consult the many South African and international Internet resources, such as [[LitNet]][http://www.litnet.co.za/], [[Artslink]][http://www.artlink.co.za/], [[ESAACH]][http://esaach.org.za/index.php?title=Main_Page] and [[Wikipedia]][http://www.wikipedia.org/], '''as well as''' [[ESAT]] itself.
= <big>'''[[Contributing to ESAT]]'''</big>=
== 2 It is work in progress ==
''All researchers, artists and other interested parties are invited to help us to expand, improve, update and correct '''[[ESAT]]''' since, by its very nature, the database will always be incomplete and prone to error on occasion.''
'''To find how you can contribute, click on the HEADING above.'''
In addition to the time-frame, this initial, experimental, stage of the project (2011-2014) is  very much  '''work in progress''', a phase in which all the raw material in the database is simply being put onto the web; ''largely unedited''. The  main idea has been to make this '''information'''  available to all users as soon as possible, therefore the material has been used much as it was received - incomplete as it may be at this stage - and therefore it may contain quite a bit of duplication of information, many ''lacunae'', some uncertainties  and even possible errors. (In many cases '''asterisks''' ''' [*]''' are used  in the text to signal our own awareness of gaps or possible errors .) There will definitely be numerous issues, people and institutions that our readers may know about, but we have not got to yet or are unaware of,  and therefore have no entries as yet.  Many  entries are currently still only mere (unsorted) collations of information, and still require close editing. (The phrase "TO BE EDITED" is at times put in at the head of the entry, to indicate such cases.) 
We would therefore like to invite all readers to help us in improving, editing and expanding this material. Should you wish to comment, alter or add to a particular entry, or to the encyclopaedia as a whole, please go to the next section [[Updating ESAT]] and let us have your input.
= Updating ESAT =
The [[ESAT]] database – and indeed the project as a whole - is intended to be, above anything else, a resource for the theatre scholar, researcher, practitioner, critic and/or theatre lover. Something to be dipped into and used as the need arises. We trust that in its present Wiki-based format it serves that purpose. 
However, as any reader will no doubt quickly realize, a project such as this can hardly be complete or even fully correct, in all the details about the thousands of performances, people, organizations and places involved in South African theatre and performance over the course of the ages. Besides the sheer bulk of potential material to be fitted into our database , there are also problems with the availability and reliability of our sources and our information. To add to the confusion we have found that authors often contradict themselves and each other, at times taking speculation as fact, or turning to speculation themselves to fill in gaps. We have sought to indicate where such disparities or doubts occur.  (See [[A Warning to Readers of ESAT]])
Thus the [[ESAT]] database can only really provide a sample of the more prominent information available at a given time, nor can it ever really be completed as a project. There are no doubt many gaps and inaccuracies of our own in this first version of ESAT and for this reason we would like to stress that it ''is'' a first version, one to be updated and corrected on an ongoing basis. To help us in this process, we would like to invite readers to supply us with any information we might require to improve the Companion for later editions.
== Submitting contributions to [[ESAT]] ==
All researchers, artists and other interested parties are invited to help us expand, improve, update and correct ESAT. Any information, contributions, relevant comments, material or information can be sent to the following address. If you wish to send whole entries, you may wish to do so using the [[ESAT Templates]] explained below.
=== The [[ESAT]] address ===
'''''The Editor: ESAT, Department of Drama, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602, South Africa.'''''
'''E-mail address: satj@sun.ac.za'''
'''Fax number: (+ 27) 21 882 9141'''
=== The [[ESAT Templates]] ===
We have devised the following templates for the varous categories in the encylopaedia (see next section), and we invite you to use them when preparing material to submit to us. To find the appropriate '''[[ESAT]] Template''' for your purposes, click on the category below:
#[[Film ESAT Template]]
#[[Personalities ESAT Template]]
#[[Radio Plays & series ESAT Template]]
#[[Stage Plays ESAT Template]]
#[[Themes and definitions ESAT Template]]
#[[TV Drama & series ESAT Template]]
#[[Venues, Companies, Institutions etc ESAT Template]]
Please use the headings outlined in the appropriate category to write up your entry/entries for inclusion in ESAT. Do so in a ''Word'' document, and then mail it back to us as an e-mail attachment '''satj@sun.ac.za''', or in a letter to the address given above, and we will upload it onto the website.
= [[The ESAT Entries]] =
The entries for [[ESAT]] have been grouped in '''fifteen''' categories, managed and edited by one of the research editors. To access database material on the relevant category, click on the appropriate link below.
#[[South African Theatre/Overview|South African Theatre and Performance/Overview]]
#[[South African Film/Overview]]
#[[South African Media/Overview]]
#[[The South African Context/General Terminology and Thematic Entries]]
#[[South African Theatre/Terminology and Thematic Entries]]
#[[South African Film /Terminology and Thematic Entries]]
#[[South African Media/Terminology and Thematic Entries]]
#[[South African Personalities]]
#[[South African Venues, Companies, Societies, etc ]]
#[[South_African_Theatre/Plays|South African Stage Plays]]
#[[South_African_Radio/Plays|South African Radio Plays and Serials]]
#[[South_African_Television/Plays|South African Television Plays and Series]]
#[[ESAT Chronology|A Chronology of South African Theatre, Film, Media and Performance]]
#[[ESAT Bibliography|A Bibliography of South African South African Theatre, Film, Media and Performance]]

Latest revision as of 14:52, 3 September 2024

Welcome to the Encyclopaedia of South African Theatre, Film, Media and Performance (ESAT), the open access, online and Wiki-based, digital reference work on theatre, film, media and performance in South Africa.

NOTE: To skip the introductory notes and instructions for using the encyclopaedia and go directly to the listing of contents, simply click in the link below:


This page was last modified on 23 August, 2024

About ESAT and how to use it

Introduction to the ESAT project

The project

The ESAT encyclopaedia-project was conceived as an interactive resource for researchers interested in the evolution, history and forms of performance and media in South Africa, and it is based on research originally undertaken by the Centre for South African Theatre Research under the auspices of, and with the support of, the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) between 1979 and 1987. In 1988 the research was transferred to, and continued at, the University of Stellenbosch by the Centre for Theatre and Performance Studies, with the support of the University's Division for Research Development, the former Centre for Science Development (CSD) and the National Research Foundation (NRF). The website was opened for public use in 2011.

Please note that any opinion, finding and conclusion or recommendation expressed in this material is that of the particular author(s) and that none of the sponsors of the project accept any liability in this regard.

The project is currently headed by Temple Hauptfleisch (original founder, editor-in-chief and project director of the undertaking), with the assistance of Freddy Ogterop, Ivor Markman, Karina Hauptfleisch, Darryl Nel and Christo Snyman as assistant editors, while numerous contributors across the globe have helped in collating and writing the information since its first inception. It uses the standard Wiki programme and is published on the web with the assistance of the Drama Department (http://www.sun.ac.za/drama) and its former Centre for Theatre and Performance Studies, the IT staff of the J.S. Gericke Library and the division for Information Technology at the University of Stellenbosch (http://www.sun.ac.za/index.asp).

For more detailed information on the nature of the project, including the history and aims of the encyclopaedia and the names of all the editors, researchers and supporting staff involved - go to their entry on the encyclopaedia by clicking on the link below:

Contacting the ESAT editors

You can contact ESAT at the following addresses:

Postal address: The Editor: ESAT, Department of Drama, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602, South Africa.

E-mail address: satj@sun.ac.za

Fax number: (+ 27) 21 882 9141

How to use ESAT

While ESAT uses the Wiki programme, which makes provision for a very useful search function, the database has avoided contemporary multi-screen web-design, and has been constructed rather more traditionally, like a printed encyclopaedia, with an Index to the various entries (also called The ESAT Entries). The entries in the Index have been grouped in sixteen distinct categories, each one managed and edited by one of the research editors.

Four important notes for everyone using ESAT

  1. The main focus is on pre-21st-century theatre, film, media and performance
  2. It is work in progress and thus subject to error on occasion
  3. Policy regarding offensive language and terminology
  4. ESAT is not an archival facility

To find out more about these matters, click on the relevant item(s) listed above.

Accessing the database of entries

To access database material on the relevant category, the reader has two options:

Using the "Search" function

Go to the "Search" block at the top right of this page (or type: Alt+F), type in the search word/phrase and click on the search icon there (the magnifying glass) or press the Enter button on your keyboard.

Using the Index

Simply click on The ESAT Entries at the start of this main page (or HERE) , to go to the list of 16 categories into which the material has been divided. On the list provided, click on the appropriate one, then follow instructions on the landing page.

NB: Copyright and referencing of material used

ESAT is an open access publication, which means that even though the material contained in the encyclopaedia is copyrighted to ESAT and the University of Stellenbosch, it may be freely used for academic and artistic purposes as long as such use is clearly referenced and the material used is attributed to The Encyclopaedia of South African Theatre, Film, Media and Performance (ESAT), the reference also including the URL for the particular entry in ESAT.

Contributing to ESAT

All researchers, artists and other interested parties are invited to help us to expand, improve, update and correct ESAT since, by its very nature, the database will always be incomplete and prone to error on occasion.

To find how you can contribute, click on the HEADING above.