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SAACE/construction award in mechanical/electrical category: [State theatre, Pretoria]. 1983. Construction Southern Africa, 28(7): 39-54. Sabata, S. (2000) Giants. Unpublished manuscript. SACHS, ALBIE. 1990. Do we have the cultural imagination for a new SA?. Cape Times. 13 February 1990.

Sachs, Albie 1991. Preparing ourselves for freedom: culture and the ANC constitutional guidelines. The drama review, 35(1): 187-193. SACHS, Albie. See De Kok and Press: Spring is Rebellious: Arguments about Cultural Freedom by Albie Sachs and Respondents. Sachs, J. 1951. Cape Town scene. Trek 15(11) – 15(12). Sagan, Leontine 1940. South Africans have dramatic talent. Outspan. 27(699): 29-31. July 19. Sagan, Leontine 1948. Wenke vir jong toneelspelers. Huisgenoot, 32(1360): 19. April 16. Sagan, Leontine 1950a. Actor’s talent. Trek, 14(1): 18-19. Sagan, Leontine 1950b. Drama en die skool: liefde vir die toneel kan reeds by ons jeug aangekweek word. Huisgenoot, 34(1454): 7. February 3. Sagan, Leontine 1996. Lights & shadows :the autobiography of Leontine Sagan, edited and introduced by Loren Kruger. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press. Saks, David (ed.) 2006. South African Jews in the theatre. Houghton: South African Jewish Board of Deputies. Salter, Dennis. 2004. Exile, Return and the New South Africa - An interview with Anthony Akerman. (Part 1 in 1996 and part 2 in 2003). SATJ 18: 257-276. Salzwedel, I. 2006. Agter die voetligte: Suid-Afrikaans. Taalgenoot, 32(1): 23-24. Sampson 2004. Fugard at the Fountain. American theatre, 21(6): 94.

Sand du Plessis Theatre. 1985..Scenaria, (55) 5-20..

Sand du Plessis Theatre, Bloemfontein. 1986. Architect and builder, 8-13. October.

Sanderson, B. 1986. Costume designer. My career, 37(3) : 249-252.

Sandoval, Enrique 1986. The metaphoric style in politically censored theatre. Edmonton, AB: Concordia University. Sandra Prinsloo: ‘n top aktrise. 1978. Sarie, 29(25): 50-53. June 14.

Sarinjeive D. 1990. Fugard's Situations: An Existentialist Study of Selected Plays of Athol Fugard 1958-1972. Dissertation Abstracts International [serial online]. September 1990;51(3):848A.

SATJ interviews Ian Steadman, winner 1987 Vita Award for Theatre Research. South African theatre journal, 1(2):78-81. Saunders, Walter G. 1972. Hart Crane: a brief critical and biographical essay. Unisa English studies, 10(3): 36-42. September.

Scenaria (55) : 5-20 San du Pl Scenaria interviews Adam Small. 1978. Scenaria, (9) :30-31.

Scenaria interviews Brian Murray. 1981. Scenaria, (28): 42-44. Scenaria interviews Computicket’s Percy Tucker. Scenaria, (41): 17-19. Scenaria interviews Elma Potgieter. 1983. Scenaria, (39): 23. Scenaria interviews Gerrit Geertsema PACT’s new director. 1983. Scenaria, (37): 17-19. Scenaria interviews Graham Armitage. 1979. Scenaria, (12): 37-38. Scenaria interviews John Slemon, general manager of the Baxter Theatre, Cape Town. 1979. Scenaria, (13): 18-19. Scenaria interviews Marius Weyers. 1983. Scenaria, (36): 9-11. Scenaria interviews Michael Atkinson. 1983. Scenaria, (37): 23-25. Scenaria interviews Paul Jacobs. 1988. Scenaria, (94): 43-47. Scenaria interviews Patrick Mynhardt. 1984. Scenaria, (43): 30-32. Scenaria interviews Peter Wyngarde. 1978. Scenaria, (10) : 37-40. Scenaria interviews Pieter-Dirk Uys. 1979. Scenaria, (11) : 18-19. Scenaria interviews Robert Kirby. 1984. Scenaria, (45): 11-12. Scenaria interviews Robert Mohr. 1978. Scenaria, April/May:36-38. Scenaria interviews Rodney Philips. 1988. Scenaria, (88): 3-5. Scenaria interviews Roy Sargeant. 1979. Scenaria, (15): 29-30. Schach, Leonard 1968. South Africa, 1954-1967. In Freedley, George & Reeves, John A. A history of the theatre. New York: Crown. p. 837-840. Schach, Leonard 1948. The theatre in South Africa. Theatre arts, 32: 58-59. Schach, Leonard 1951. Theatre in South Africa. Theatre, 6: 10. Schach, L. 1981. [Methods of directing]. Teaterforum, 2(1): 60-76.

Schach, L. 1985. Rosalie van der Gucht : a very personal and affectionate memoir. Scenaria, (59) : 11-12.

Schach, Leonard 1986. Bad timing. Drama: the quarterly theatre review, 160(2): 31-32. Schach, Leonard 1996. The flag is flying: a very personal history of theatre in the old South Africa. Cape Town: Human and Rousseau. SCHADEBERG, Jurgen. (ed and comp.) 1987. The Fifties People of Johannesburg. Johannesburg: Bailey’s African Photo Archive. SCHAUFFER, DENNIS L. 1978. The establishment of a theatrical tradition in Pietermaritzburg, prior to the opening of the first civilian playhouse. PhD (Speech and Drama) microfiche. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal. Schauffer, Dennis 1989. The first theatre in Natal. South African theatre journal, 3(1):18-38. Schauffer, Dennis 1992. Drama and the South African state by Martin Orkin Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 6(1): 82-84. Schauffer, Dennis. 1992. The South African Indian contribution to the developing concept of an indigenous South African theatre. South African theatre journal, 6(2):84-92. Schauffer, Dennis 1993. Numbercrunching the Arts. South African theatre journal, 7(2): 3-7. Schauffer, Dennis 1994. In the shadow of the Shah: the Indic contribution to our developing South African culture. Indic Theatre monograph series, (2) Schauffer, Dennis 1994. Theatre and the world: performance and the politics of culture by Rustom Bharucha. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 8(1): 96-99. Schauffer, Dennis: 1995. The Issue of Inter and Intra-Culturalism in the S.A. Theatre, ADDSA/SAADYT. UBUNTU Conference Journal Vol. 15, No. 2 (Summer) Schauffer, Dennis. 1996a. Can Blue Men Sing the Whites? SAADYT/ADDSA Journal. Vol. 16. No. 2 Autumn, p59 Schauffer, Dennis. 1996b. It doesn't matter if you're Black or White. Unpublished paper delivered at the IFTR/FIRT Conference, Tel Aviv.

Schauffer, Dennis & Raghunath, Mahendra 1999. Zakes Mda: a profile. Asoka Theatre Profile Series, University of Durban-Westville. Schauffer, Dennis 2002. Othello, directed by Garth Anderson of the Actor’s Co-op for Glenwood High School, 23rd April 2002. Shakespeare in Southern Africa, 14: 55-58. Schauffer, Dennis. 2003. Remembering Matsemela Manaka – some notes and an interview. South African theatre journal, 17: 179-211. Schauffer, Dennis 2006. In memoriam: Gibson Kente. South African theatre journal, 20: 303-322. Schauffer, Dennis 2007. Shakespeare performance in Pietermaritzburg, Natal, prior to 1914. Shakespeare in southern Africa, 19(7): 9-23. Schauffer, Dennis 2008. Effects of democratic governance… Kontroleer title In: Chaturvedi, Ravi (ed.) Theatre and democracy. Jaipur : Published in association with Jawahar Kala Kendra by Rawat Publications. Bladsye? JSG 792 THE Schechner, Richard 1991. Interculturalism on the road (editorial). TDR, 35(1): 7-9. Schechner, Richard 1991a. A tale of a few cities: interculturalism on the road. New theatre quarterly, 7(28): 315-323. Schechner, Richard 1991b. A tale of a few cities: interculturalism on the road. South African theatre journal, 5(2): 3-14. Schechner, Richard 1992. Invasions friendly and unfriendly: the dramaturgy of direct theatre. South African theatre journal, 6(1):4-24. Schechner, Richard 1994. Cuba: lift the American embargo now. (Editorial). TDR, 38(2): 7-9. Schechner, R. (1997) ‘From ritual to theatre and back’. In Performance Theory. London and New York, Routledge.

Schechter, Joel 1984. James Earl Jones on Fugard. Theater magazine, 16(1): 40-42.

Scheepers, E. 1980. In die beperking toon die meester hom: ‘n pleidooi vir beter versorging van die dramadepartemente aan die universiteite in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika. Teaterforum, 1(1): 37-41.

Scheepers, E. 1981. Foundational issues surrounding professional training of speech and theatre experts at universities in the RSA. Koers, 46(4): 344-364.

Scheepers, E. 1981. Eise van die beroepsteater. Teaterforum, 2(1): 31-46.

Scheepers, E. 1981. Foundational issues surrounding professional training of speech and theatre experts in the RSA. Koers, 46(4): 344-364.

Scheepers, E. 1981. Afr van bostaande. Teaterforum, 3(1): 45-64.

Scheepers, E. 1982. Teaterforum, 3(1): 45-64. Scheepers, E. 1983. Training in speech and drama. Scenaria, 36-38 Mr-Jul Scheepers, Elize 1983a. Training in speech and drama – part 1. Scenaria, (36): 23-25. Scheepers, Elize 1983b. Training in speech and drama – part 2. Scenaria, (37): 35-37. Scheepers, Eliza 1984. Die Toneel: ‘n onontginde studieveld aan die universiteite van die RSA. Teaterforum. 5 (1): 94-110, Mei. Scheepers, E. 1983. Foundational issues surrounding professional training of speech and theatre experts at universities in the RSA. [Koers, 46(4)]

Scheepers, Elize 1994. Besinning oor die toneelkuns in die verlede, hede en toekoms. In Venster op die kunste: Christelike perspektiewe=A window on the arts: Christian perspectives. Potchefstroom : Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir CHO. Schenk, L. 1967. Theory of drama. 231-232. Scheub, Harald. 1975. The Xhosa “ntsomi”. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Schiess, M. 1965. Producing the play. Sestiger, 2(4): 17-26. Schiess, M. 1966. Teater van die absurde. Lantern, 16(1): 4-9. Schiess, M. 1967. Waarom altyd kettings aan die kuns? Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 5(2): 61-63. Schiess, M. 1968. Laat die kinders toneelspeel. Klasgids, 3(4): 31-34. May. Sciess, Mario 1985. Ape and archetype. Teaterforum 6(1): 20-27. SCHIPPER, MINEKE. 1982. Theatre and Society in Africa. Johannesburg: Ravan Press. Schipper, Mineke 1986. A la recherche d'une arme miraculeuse: Le Théâtre sud-africain depuis les événements de Soweto. Presence Africaine: Revue Culturelle du Monde Noir/Cultural Review of the Negro World (PA) 140: 35-46. Schoeman, E.G. 1980. Benodigde basiese kennis vir kostuumontwerpe vir ‘n hoërskoolproduksie. Teaterforum, 1(1) : 45-53. Teaterforum, 2(1): 47-50., 1981.

Schoeman, E.G. 1982. Benodigde basiese kennis vir kostuumontwerpe vir ‘n hoërskoolproduksie. Teaterforum, 3(1) : 65-72. Schoeman, K. 1983. Vroeë toneellewe van Bloemfontein : amateur-opvoerings in die jare 1850-1890. Afrikaanse aantek. nuus, 25 : 167-171.

Scholtz, P.J. 1983. Discovering the limits of freedom : some thoughts on writing plays for young people. NEON, 43 : 29-31.

Scholtz, Pieter 1983. Concise biography of the teacher... pieter scholtz. Teaterforum, 4(1): 4-7. Scholtz, Pieter 1992. Theatre for young audiences and the Commedia dell’Arte: the living tradition of the Commedia dell’Arte in theatre for young audiences, with specific reference to slected texts and performances. Durban: University of Natal. (D Phil thesis). Scholtz, R. 1967. Open air Shakespeare. South African panorama, 12(6): 8-11. June. Scholtz, R. 1971. Teaterkompleks Nico Malan. Lantern, 21(1): 60-63. September.

School with a difference ! School of physical education and speech [SASTRI college]. 1985. Fiat lux, 20(1) : 8-9. Schoombie, S. 2002. Stekelrig bedonnerd… enig: beeld van ‘n vrou (tribute to Anna Neethling Pohl. Rooi rose, 59(9): 220-222. Schoonakker, Bonny. 2001. Haunted by the past, in search of a future. In: Sunday Times, April 15, 2001: 13. Schoonhoven, Gerrit 1983. ‘n Onderhoud met Francois Swart. Teaterforum, 4(1): 101-112. Schoonhoven, G. 1983. Onderhoud met Francois Swart. Teaterforum, 4(1) : 101-112.

Schroenn, M.B. 1980. Speech and drama – new high school subject. NEON, 33: 20-22.

Schutz, Brigid & Friedman, Gary 1994. Arepp Report on the ‘Puppeteers for peace’ – ‘Puppets against abuse’. Puppetry journal, 45(4): 3-4.

Schutz B, Bilbrough G. The magic of theatre. Lancet [serial online]. December 24, 2006;368:32-33. Schutz, Brigid; Bilbrough, Gordon. Lancet, Dec2006 Supplement, Vol. 368, p32-33,; Abstract: The article discusses the authors' experiences working for the arepp:Theatre for Life Trust in South Africa. The program seeks to educate children in South Africa about topics such as sexuality, peer pressure, and sexually transmitted infections, with the goal of providing information about issues surrounding HIV infections. The presentations are composed of the performance of a play and a facilitated discussion to encourage further thinking about the topics presented. The plays are tailored to be age-appropriate

Schutte, H.J. 1961. Die Heks (C.L. Leipoldt). In: Tydskrif vir letterkunde 18(1): 134-137. Schutte, Hendrik Johannes 1980a. Heks (C.L. Leipoldt). Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 18(1): 135-138.

Schutte, Hendrik Johannes 1980b. Jammer hart (W.A. de Klerk). Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 18(1): 148-150.

Schutte, Hendrik Johannes 1980c. Leipoldt – slegs inspirasie of soms ook vakmanskap? Klasgids by die studie van die Afrikaanse taal en letterkunde, 15(3): 33-38. te doen met drama?

Schutte, Hendrik Johannes 1980d. Opdrifsels (H.A. Fagan). Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 18(1): 139-147.

Schutte, H.J. 1981. Tragiese seining in Oorlog is oorlog (J.F.W. Grosskopf). Klasgids, 16(2): 37-41.

Schutte, H.J. 1984. Die radiodrama: ‚blind’ met klank- en ideëryk. In: Malan, Charles (ed.) Spel en spieël. besprekings van die moderne Afrikaanse drama en teater. Johannesburg: Perskor. p. 165-177.

Schutte, H.J. 1985. Jac J. Brits : Prisoniers en ander eenbedrywe. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 23(3) : 77-79. Schutte, H.J. 1985. W.A. de Klerk : afgrond. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 23(3) : 79-81.

Schutte, H.J. 1987. Dramakroniek. Tydskrif vir letterkunde. 25: 87-97. 25(?) 839.3605 TYD Schutte, H.J. 1988. Verweking van die geskiedenis in Dias deur N.P. van Wyk Louw: ‚n Suid-Afrikaanse perspektief. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 26(2): 39-48. May. Schutte, H.J. 1989. Ontgrensing en verruiming van die Afrikaanse drama in die tagtigerjare. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 27(4): 76-88. Schutte, H.J. 1992a. Bacchus in die Boland (Bartho Smit): Die politieke aktualiteit deur die oog van die fantastiese. South African theatre journal, 6(1): 60-71. Schutte, H.J. 1992b. Intertekstualiteit en betekenis in Moeder Hanna. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 30(3): 31-47. Schutte, H.J. 1993. Verwerking en vernuwing – ‘n verdere blik op die Afrikaanse drama in die jare tagtig. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 31(2): 74-85. Schutte, H.J. 1995. Twee vrouedramaturge (Jeanne Goosen and Reza de Wet). Tydskrif vir Letterkunde. xxxiii/1: 75 Schutte, Paul J. 1980. Leesteater – ‘n verkenning. Teaterforum, 1(1): 60-64.

Schutte, Pieter 1983. The trials of Keeno. Teaterforum, 4(1): 94-100. Schwartz, Pat 1988. The best of company. the story of Johannesburg's Market Theatre. Johannesburg: Ad Donker. Schwenke, Astrid 1985. Poppeteater in Suid-Afrika: 'n oorsig. Lantern, 34(3): 3-15. Scott, Christina. 2001. A lesson in egotism. In: Natal Witness, May 14, 2001: 9.

Seale, Tyrone. 1998. Forget Cats – Our Kat KOs West End. In: Cape Argus, March 24, 1998: 1. Seda O. 2000. A response to Hazel Barnes’ ‘Ihlanzi ishelwe amanzi — as fish out of water: finding authentic voices in a multicultural student production’ (RIDE 4.2). Research in drama education, 5(1): 95=97.

Seddon D. 2004. Shakespeare's Orality: Solomon Plaatje's Setswana Translations. English Studies in Africa: A Journal of the Humanities [serial online]. 2004;47(2):77-96.

Seeds, Dale E. 1996. Trickster by trade: Thomas Riccio on indigenous theatre. (Interview). TDR, 40(4): 118-133. Seeff, Adele 2004. Recovering the history of the African theatre. Quarterly bulletin of the National Library of South Africa, 58(4): 159-167.

Seeff, Adele. "A QUICK BUCK." Quarterly Bulletin of the National Library of South Africa 59.1 (2005): 8-12.

Seidenspinner, Margarete 1986. Exploring the labyrinth: Athol Fugard’s approach to South African drama. Essen: Blaue Eule. Seitisho, B. 2002. Lamenting Shakespeare : the missing link in South Africa’s Outcomes Based Education System (OBE). Perspectives in education, 20(3) : 133-139.

A selected reading list on South African theatre, compiled by CESAT. 1985. In Hauptfleisch, Temple (ed.). The Breytie book: a collection of articles on South African theatre dedicated to P.P.B. Breytenbach. Johannesburg: The Limelight press. p. 156-159.

Semple, Hilary 1987. ‚The idea’s the thing’. Shakespeare Society of Southern Africa: occasional papers and reviews, 2(2): 3-6. Semple, Hilary 1987. Othello: an historic milestone. Shakespeare in Southern Africa, 1: 67-69.

SENEKAL, Jan. (Ed). 1978. Beeld en Bedryf. Inleidende Opstelle oor Fasette van die Afrikaanse Drama. Pretoria: Van Schaik. SEPAMLA, SIPHO. 1981. Towards an African Theatre. In: Rand Daily Mail 2 April. Serfontein, P. 1970. Ontwerp vir die teater en Graham Brown. Lantern, 19(3): 38-45. SERPIERI, ALESSANDRO. On the Language of Drama (Louise Viljoen) South African theatre journal, 5(2):104-107.

Serudu, S.M. 1984. Ga a mo swanela [by M.L. Maloma. Literary criticism]. South African journal of African languages supplement 2 : 23-33.

Seyffert, M.C.A. 1988. André, by Temple Hauptfleisch. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 2(1):85-87.

Shakespeare recitals by Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies. 1941. Forum. 4(5): 33-34. Shava, Piniel Viriri 1989. A people’s voice: South African writing in the twentieth century. London, Zed. Shaw, George Bernard 1949. Intelligent person’s guide to play production. Outspan. 45(1174) 23-25. August 26. Sheat, W.G. 1954. Open air theatres. Park administration, 6:72-73. SHEPHERD, R.H.W. 1933. Literature for the South African Bantu. Pretoria: Carnegie Corporation. ??** SHEPPERSON, A & TOMASELLI, K.G. 2002. Restructuring the industry: South African cinema beyond Apartheid. South African theatre journal, 16: 63 – 79. Sher, Antony & Doran, Gregory 1997. Woza Shakespeare! Titus Andronicus in South Africa. London, Methuen. Sher, Antony 2001. Beside myself :an autobiography. London :Hutchinson. Sher, Emil 1987. Canada: apartheid on tour. Canadian theatre review, (50): 59-62. Sher, Emil 1988. A voice behind the masks: three companies, three continents. Canadian theatre review, 56: 79-81.

Kyk in JSG na hierdie boek (outeurs verskil): Shifting Selves: Post-Apartheid Essays on Mass Media, Culture and Identity by Stephanie Marlin Curiel, Jane Battersby, Farzanah Badsha. Cape Town: Kwela Books 2004 ISBN: 0795701640 EAN: 9780795701641 No. of Pages: 340 Publish Date: 2004-04-30 Binding: Paperback

Shifting selves :post-apartheid essays on mass media, culture and identity /edited by Herman Wasserman and Sean Jacobs. Cape Town : Kwela Books, 2003 0795701640 306.0968 SHI

Shifting scenes in theatre management. 1975. Management, 6(2): 29-37. October. Shirley, Shirley Kathleen 1985. Practical drama work with neurologically impaired children in selected training centres in the city of Pietermaritzburg. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal. (MA (Speech and drama) thesis). Shole, J.S. 1990. Shakespeare in Setswana: an evaluation of Raditladi’s Macbeth and Plaatjie’s Diphosophoso. Shakespeare in Southern Africa, 4(1): 51-64.