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GROSSKOPF, Johannes Friedrich Wilhelm (J.F.W.) (1885-1948) Academic, journalist, critic, novelist, director and playwright. *Assistant editor of ''Die Volksblad'' in Bloemfontein. **Translated the German play ** by * Freytag as ''[[Die Koerantskrywers]]'' ("The Journalists"), for the [[GUK Toneelvereniging]] in 1920. Became a professor at the [[University of Stellenbosch]] in the 1920s and a member of the [[Unie-Debatsvereniging]], for which he directed several [[Afrikaans]] productions, including ''[[Koringboere]]'' ("Wheat Farmers") by [[D.F. Malherbe]]. Best known however as an important playwright.
#REDIRECT [[J.F.W. Grosskopf]]
Then moved to Pretoria where he worked for **. Wrote reviews of the first productions by [[Ons Teatertjie-toneelgroep]] / [[Volksteater]], **? His works include the one-act plays ''[[Mara]]'' (performed by the [[Volksteater]] in Pretoria in 1940), ''[[Oorlog is Oorlog]]'' (19**), * . His full length works include ****. Awarded the [[Hertzog Prize]] for Drama in 19**??*
GROSSKOPF, . Mara (verwerking van Grosskopf se Oorlog is oorlog) [[Anna Neethling-Pohl]] (regie), [[Volksteater]], Pta. ***
GROSSKOPF Playwright and author of prose and translations. Professor of Economics at [[Stellenbosch University]], 1920 - 1935 Grosskopf was born on 25 November, 1885, as the son of a Lutheran minister. His mother came from a family of missionaries. He matriculated from Grey-College in Bloemfontein and studied languages at the Stellenbosch University, (MA 1906). After a year of teaching, he continued his studies in Europe where he read Literature, Law and Economy at universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (1908 - 1913). He obtained a Dr. jur. at the University of Leiden. Grosskopf took part in General Pienaar's rebellion and turned journalist and editor of ''Ons Vaderland'' and ''Die Volksblad''. In 1920 he became professor of Political Science at Stellenbosch University and Head of Economy at the Department of Agriculture in 1935. In the same year he joined Sangiro on an expedition to German East Africa. He published his first short stories in 1903/04 in ''The South African News'' and other stories in ''Ons Moedertaal'' and ''Die Huisgenoot''. He did many translations from French, German and Swedish, was interested in the Arts and published a book on Pierneef. Johannes Grosskopf died on 3 July, 1948, at Pretoria. Awards and Honours:
[[Hertzog Prize]] for Afrikaans drama in 1926. Honorary Award of the [[SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns]] for film making 1931, Books: '''n Esau: bosveld-drama in vier tonele'', 1920, ''[[Die Peswolk]]'', 1924 (his first one-act play), ''Drie eenbedrywe'', 1926, ''[[As die Tuig Skawe]]'', 1926; ''[[Ou Leeumelker]]'', 1938; ''Die Klipdolk en Ander Kort-spele'', 1941; ''Legende, drama uit ons volksverlede'', 1942; ''Ou Leeumelker en ander vertellings'', 1945; ''Die daad van Koedri en twee ander kort toneelstukke'', 1946; ''[[Die Vloek]]'', 1946; ''Padbrekers: 'n mensetragedie'', 1947; ''Hendrik Pierneef, the man and his work'',
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