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#REDIRECT [[Gabrielle]]
#REDIRECT [[Gabrielle]]
''[[Gabrielle]]'' is a play by Émile Augier (1820-1889)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89mile_Augier]
Adapted  into English as ''[[Good for Evil, or A Wife's Trial]]'' by Thomas H. Reynoldson, (1808?-1888)[]  and billed "a domestic lesson, in two acts, adapted from the French". Published as ''[[Good for Evil, or A Wife's Trial]]'' by [[Thomas Hailes Lacy]] in
First performed as ''[[Good for Evil, or A Wife's Trial]]'' at the Théatre-Français on 15 December, 1849. Later also performed as ''[[The Barrister]]'' at the Surrey Theatre on 1 March, 1852 and as ''[[Home Truths]]'' at the Royal Princess's Theatre on 30 November, 1859.
Facsimile version of ''[[Good for Evil, or A Wife's Trial]]'' (1860), [[Hathi Trust Digital Library]][https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=hvd.hwjuq8&view=1up&seq=7]

Latest revision as of 06:36, 23 February 2020

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