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Return to [[South_African_Theatre/Personalities|South African Theatre Personalities]]
'''''Please also note:'''''  Surnames (or last names) consisting of two or three words ((e.g. names preceded by Da, De, De La, Du, Le, Van, Van Den, Van Der, Von, etc)  appear under the ''first'' word in this listing. Thus the author [[Alex  la Guma]] and the arts manager [[Marlene le Roux]] would in this case both be listed here under "L", as [[Alex  la Guma|La Guma, Alex]]  and [[Marlene le Roux|Le Roux, Marlene]] respectively.
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'''This section has been subdivided to simplify searches.'''  
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[[Rina la Grange|La Grange, Rina]]
[[Rina la Grange-Steyn|La Grange-Steyn, Rina]]
[[Alex  la Guma|La Guma, Alex]]
[[Rena la Roche|La Roche, Rena]]
[[Johan Laas|Laas, Johan]]
[[Alida Labia|Labia, Alida]]
[[Ida Labia|Labia, Princess Ida]]
[[Natale Labia|Labia, Count Natale]]
[[Marintha Labuschagne|Labuschagne, Marintha]]
[[W.A. Lacable|Lacable, W.A.]]
[[H. Laesecke|Laesecke, H.]]
[[P.W. Laidler|Laidler, P.W.]]
[[Bruce Laing|Laing, Bruce]]
[[Mr Laing|Laing, Mr]]
[[Jenny Laird|Laird, Jenny]]
[[Harold J. Laite|Laite, Harold J.]]
[[Harold Lake|Lake, Harold]]
[[Robin Lake|Lake, Robin]]
[[Babs Laker|Laker, Babs]]
[[Flakie Lakie|Lakie, Flakie]]
[[Gail Lakier|Lakier, Gail]]
[[Jack Lalor | Lalor, Jack]]
[[M. Lamati|Lamati, M.]]
[[Doreen Lamb|Lamb, Doreen]]
[[Shelley Lamb|Lamb, Shelley]]
[[Gay Lambert|Lambert, Gay]]
[[Patricia Ann Lambert|Lambert, Patricia Ann]]
[[Don Lamprecht|Lamprecht, Don]]
[[David Lan|Lan, David]]
[[Doris Lancaster|Lancaster, Doris]]
[[Pat Lancaster|Lancaster, Pat]]
[[Yehudah Leib Landau|Landau, Yehudah Leib]]
[[Theo Landey|Landey, Theo]]
[[Elton Landrew|Landrew, Elton]]
[[Amanda Lane|Lane, Amanda]]
[[F. Lang|Lang, F.]]
[[Matheson Lang|Lang, Matheson]]
[[Robert Lang|Lang, Robert]]
[[Mandla Langa|Langa, Mandla]]
[[Dawn Langdown|Langdown, Dawn]]
[[C.J. Langenhoven|Langenhoven, C.J.]]
[[F. Langerman]]
[[J. Langerman]]
[[Bonnie Langford|Langford, Bonnie]]
[[Patricia Langford|Langford, Patricia]]
[[Robert Langford|Langford, Robert]]
[[June Langley|Langley, June]]
[[Noel Langley|Langley, Noel]]
[[J. Langley Levy| Langley Levy, J.]]
[[Henry Lankester|Lankester, Henry]]
[[Hal Lanningan|Lannigan, Hal]]
[[Tom Lanoye|Lanoye, Tom]]
[[Linda Larez|Larez, Linda]]
[[Margaret Larlham|Larlham, Margaret]]
[[Peter Larlham|Larlham, Peter]]
[[Kendrew Lascelles|Lascelles, Kendrew]]
[[Carol Lasker|Lasker, Carol]]
[[Margot Lassner|Lassner, Margot]]
[[John Lata|Lata, John]]
[[Joseph Matthew Seshego Latakgomo|Latakgomo, Joseph Matthew Seshego]]
[[Felix V. Lategan|Lategan, Felix V.]]
[[Leana Lategan|Lategan, Leana]] ([[NALN]])
[[Marc Latilla|Latilla, Marc]]
[[Sue Latimer|Latimer, Sue]]
[[Greg Latter|Latter, Greg]]
[[J.H. Laubscher|Laubscher, J.H.]]
[[Matt Laubscher|Laubscher, Matt]]
[[Nic Laubscher|Laubscher, Nic]]
[[Roelf Laubscher|Laubscher, Roelf]]
[[Tessa Laubscher|Laubscher, Tessa]]
[[Peta-Anne Laughton|Laughton, Peta-Anne]]
[[Michelle Lauren|Lauren, Michelle]]
[[Jean-Claude Laurent|Laurent, Jean-Claude]]
[[Brenda Lauth|Lauth, Brenda]]
[[E. Lauwerus|Lauwerus, E.]]
[[Merl LaVoy | LaVoy, Merl]]
[[Colin Law|Law, Colin]]
[[Bronwyn Law-Viljoen|Law-Viljoen, Bronwyn]]
[[Anne Lawrance|Lawrance, Anne]]
[[Albert Lawrence|Lawrence, Albert]]
[[Gerald Lawrence|Lawrence, Gerald]]
[[Ian Lawrence|Lawrence, Ian]]
[[Sheila Lawrence|Lawrence, Sheila]]
[[Douglas Laws|Laws, Douglas]]
[[Ralph Lawson|Lawson, Ralph]]
[[Judy Layne|Layne, Judy]]
[[Sandy Layne|Layne, Sandy]]
[[Ashley Lazarus|Lazarus, Ashley]]
[[Frank Lazarus|Lazarus, Frank]]
[[Christine le Brocq|le Brocq, Christine]]
[[Richard le Brun Powell|le Brun Powell, Richard]]
[[Bianca le Grange|Le Grange, Bianca]]
[[Frits le Grange|Le Grange, Frits]]
[[Martin le Maitre|Le Maitre, Martin]]
[[William Le Messena|Le Messena, William]]
[[Trevi-Jean le Pere|Le Pere, Trevi-Jean]]
[[Birrie le Roux|Le Roux, Birrie]]
[[Fred le Roux|Le Roux, Fred]]
[[Madeleine le Roux|Le Roux, Madeleine]]
[[Mae le Roux|Le Roux, Mae]]
[[Marlene le Roux|Le Roux, Marlene]]
[[Niel le Roux|Le Roux, Niel]]
[[Ria le Roux|Le Roux, Ria]]
[[T.H. le Roux|Le Roux, T.H.]]
[[Mr le Seur|Le Seur, Mr]]
[[Le Vaillant]]
[[Le Vaillant, F]]
[[Christo Leach|Leach, Christo]]
[[Ken Leach|Leach, Ken]]
[[Annie Leaf|Leaf, Annie]]
[[Odette Leat|Leat, Odette]]
[[D.P. Lebakeng|Lebakeng, D.P.]]
[[N.J. Lebakeng|Lebakeng, N.J.]]
[[Lebo M]]
[[Karen Lebos|Lebos, Karen]]
[[Lisette Lecat|Lecat, Lisette]]
[[Roger Leclerq|Leclerq, Roger]]
[[George Leddra|Leddra, George]]
[[John Maolusi Ledwaba|Ledwaba, John Maolusi]]
[[Alewyn Lee|Lee, Alewyn]]
[[Alphonso Lee|Lee, Alphonso]]
[[David S. Lee|Lee, David]] '''See [[David S. Lee]]'''
[[David S. Lee|Lee, David S.]]
[[Elaine Lee|Lee, Elaine]]
[[Ivan Lee|Lee, Ivan]]
[[Joan Lee|Lee, Joan]]
[[Moonyeenn Lee|Lee, Moonyeenn]]
[[Pat Lee|Lee, Pat]]
[[Vanessa Lee|Lee, Vanessa]]
[[Paddy Lee-Thorp|Lee-Thorp, Paddy]]
[[Ken Leeder|Leeder, Ken]]
[[Marc Leemans|Leemans, Marc]]
[[Rolf Lefebvre|Lefebvre, Rolf]]
[[Mrs J.H. Leffler|Leffler, Mrs J.H.]]
[[Mark Legward|Legward, Mark]]
[[Harry Lehradt|Lehradt, Harry]]
[[C. Louis Leipoldt|Leipoldt, C. Louis]]
[[Reiner Leist|Leist, Reiner]]
[[James Leith|Leith, James]]
[[Dan Lekalakala|Lekalakala, Dan]]
[[S.P. Lekeba|Lekeba, S.P.]]
[[Tsidii Leloka|Leloka, Tsidii]]
[[F.C. Lemming|Lemming, F.C.]]
[[Craig Leo|Leo, Craig]]
[[Don Leonard|Leonard, Don]]
[[Mr Leonard|Leonard, Mr]]
[[Suanne Leonard|Leonard, Suanne]]
[[Alie Lerefolo|Lerefolo, Alie]]
[[Benjamin Leshoai|Leshoai, Benjamin]]
[[T. Leshoai|Leshoai, T.]]
[[John Lesley|Lesley, John]]
[[Adam Leslie|Leslie, Adam]]
[[Japie Lessing|Lessing, Japie]]
[[Terry Lester|Lester, Terry]]
[[N.V.G.L. Leutsoa|Leutsoa, N.V.G.L.]]
[[F. Levaillant|Levaillant, F.]]
[[Phil Levard|Levard, Phil]]
[[Lorna Levenson|Levenson, Lorna]]
[[James Leverett|Leverett, James]]
[[Marcia Leveson|Leveson, Marcia]]
[[Robin Levetan|Levetan, Robin]]
[[Dave Levin|Levin, Dave]]
[[Elanit Levin|Levin, Elanit]]
[[Michele Levin|Levin, Michele]]
[[Nicole Levin|Levin, Nicole]]
[[Pam Levin|Levin, Pam]]
[[Ruth Levin|Levin, Ruth]]
[[Joss Levine|Levine, Joss]]
[[David Levinsohn|Levinsohn, David]]
[[Joyce Levinsohn|Levinsohn, Joyce]]
[[Olga Levinsohn|Levinsohn, Olga]]
[[Carol Levitas|Levitas, Carol]]
[[J. Langley Levy|Levy, J. Langley]]
[[Lorna Levy|Levy, Lorna]]
[[Carolyn Lewis|Lewis, Carolyn]]
Begin by clicking on the appropriate section in the sub-list below.
[[Cecil Lewis|Lewis, Cecil]]
'''[[ESAT Personalities L-Lan|L-Lan]] |  [[ESAT Personalities Lao-Lax|Lao-Lax]]  |  [[ESAT Personalities Le-Let|Le-Let]]  |  [[ESAT Personalities Leu-Lex|Leu-Lex]]  |  [[ESAT Personalities Lf-Ln|Lf-Ln]]  |  [[ESAT Personalities Lo-Lox|Lo-Lox]]  |  [[ESAT Personalities Lp-Lx|Lp-Lx]]''' 
[[David Lewis|Lewis, David]]
[[Genna Lewis|Lewis, Genna]]
'''To return to any other letter of the alphabet, click on the list below'''
[[Helen Lewis|Lewis, Helen]]
[[ESAT Personalities A|A]] [[ESAT Personalities B|B]] [[ESAT Personalities C|C]] [[ESAT Personalities D|D]] [[ESAT Personalities E|E]] [[ESAT Personalities F|F]] [[ESAT Personalities G|G]] [[ESAT Personalities H|H]] [[ESAT Personalities I|I]] [[ESAT Personalities J|J]] [[ESAT Personalities K|K]] [[ESAT Personalities L|L]] [[ESAT Personalities M|M]] [[ESAT Personalities N|N]] [[ESAT Personalities O|O]] [[ESAT Personalities P|P]] [[ESAT Personalities Q|Q]] [[ESAT Personalities R|R]] [[ESAT Personalities S|S]] [[ESAT Personalities T|T]] [[ESAT Personalities U|U]] [[ESAT Personalities V|V]] [[ESAT Personalities W|W]] [[ESAT Personalities X|X]] [[ESAT Personalities Y|Y]] [[ESAT Personalities Z|Z]]  
[[Iris Lewis|Lewis, Iris]]
[[Jerry Lewis|Lewis, Jerry]]
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[[Margi Lewis|Lewis, Margi]]
[[Megan Lewis|Lewis, Megan]]
[[Pamela Lewis|Lewis, Pamela]]
[[H. Ley|Ley, H]]
[[N.J. Ley|Ley, N.J.]]
[[P.A. Ley|Ley, P.A.]]
[[Mrs Lezard|Lezard, Mrs]]
[[Don Liberto|Liberto, Don]]
[[Kate Liquorish|Liquorish, Kate]]
[[Laudo Liebenberg|Liebenberg, Laudo]]
[[Nico Liebenberg|Liebenberg, Nico]]
[[Yvonne Liebenberg|Liebenberg, Yvonne]]
[[Merle Lifson|Lifson, Merle]]
[[Harry Ligoff]]
[[Mavis Lilenstein|Lilenstein, Mavis]]
[[A.J. Lind|Lind, A.J.]]
[[Dawn Lindberg|Lindberg, Dawn]]
[[Des Lindberg|Lindberg, Des]]
[[Joshua Lindberg|Lindberg, Joshua]]
[[Marie Linde|Linde, Marie]]
[[John Linden|Linden, John]]
[[Jannie Lindeque|Lindeque, Jannie]]
[[Len Lindeque|Lindeque, Len]]
[[Lydia Lindeque|Lindeque, Lydia]]
[[M.C.E. Lindeque|Lindeque, M.C.E.]]
[[Annabel Linder|Linder, Annabel]]
[[Georgie Linder|Linder, Georgie]]
[[Olga Lindo|Lindo, Olga]]
[[Grahame Lindop|Lindop, Grahame]]
[[Kenneth Linge|Linge, Kenneth]]
[[Aubrey Lintnaar|Lintnaar, Aubrey]]
[[Ragmat Lintnaar|Lintnaar, Ragmat]]
[[Laurier Lister|Lister, Laurier]]
[[Moira Lister|Lister, Moira]]
[[Celeste Litkie|Litkie, Celeste]]
[[Alex Little|Little, Alex]]
[[G. Little|Little, G.]]
[[J. C. Little|Little, J. C.]]
[[Joan Little|Little, Joan]]
[[Roger Livesey|Livesey, Roger]]
[[Douglas Livingstone|Livingstone, Douglas]]
[[Elize Lizamore|Lizamore, Elize]]
[[David Lloyd-Jones|Lloyd-Jones, David]]
[[Heather Lloyd-Jones|Lloyd-Jones, Heather]]
[[Anita Lobell|Lobell, Anita]]
[[Jacques Lochner|Lochner, Jacques]]
[[Robert Loder|Loder, Robert]]
[[James Lodge|Lodge, James]]
[[Fred Loehnen|Loehnen, Fred]]
[[Mr Loftus|Loftus, Mr]]
[[J. Logan|Logan, J.]]
[[Jimmy Logan|Logan, Jimmy]]
[[Major Lomax|Lomax, Major]]
[[André Lombard|Lombard, André]]
[[Chris Lombard|Lombard, Chris]]
[[Gideon Lombard|Lombard, Gideon]]
[[Helene Lombard|Lombard, Helene]]
[[Nieke Lombard|Lombard, Nieke]]
[[Stefan Lombard|Lombard, Stefan]]
[[Gabrielle Lomberg|Lomberg, Gabrielle]]
[[Gaby Lomberg|Lomberg, Gaby]]
[[Gillian Lomberg|Lomberg, Gillian]]
[[Valda Lomberg|Lomberg, Valda]]
[[Pule Lonake|Lonake, Pule]]
[[Ethel London|London, Ethel]]
[[Zelma London|London, Zelma]]
[[J.F. Long|Long, J.F.]] '''See [[John Francis Long]]'''
[[John Francis Long|Long, John Francis]] 
[[Dicky Longhurst|Longhurst, Dicky]]
[[Mr Longley|Longley, Mr]]
[[Kholeka Lonzi|Lonzi, Kholeka]]
[[Mrs Loosemore|Loosemore, Mrs]]
[[Jacques Loots|Loots, Jacques]]
[[P.J. Loots|Loots, P.J.]]
[[Tinarie van Wyk Loots|Loots, Tinarie van Wyk]]
[[Willem Loots|Loots, Willem]]
[[Miriam Lopert|Lopert, Miriam]]
[[Basil Lord|Lord, Basil]]
[[Nicholas Lorentz|Lorentz, Nicholas]]
[[Miss Lorenzo|Lorenzo, Miss]]
[[Penelope Lorimer|Lorimer, Penelope]]
[[Richard Loring|Loring, Richard]]
[[Leona Loseby|Loseby, Leona]]
[[G.J. Lottering|Lottering, G.J.]]
[[Marc Lottering|Lottering, Marc]]
[[Deon Lotz|Lotz, Deon]]
[[J.W. Lotz|Lotz, J.W.]]
[[Johannes Lotz|Lotz, Johannes]] See '''[[J.W. Lotz]]'''
[[N.J. Lotz|Lotz, N.J.]]
[[Philip Lotz|Lotz, Philip]]
[[Vicki Loubser|Loubser, Vicki]]
[[Rina Lourenz|Lourenz, Rina]]
[[James Lourie|Lourie, James]]
[[Alida Louw|Louw, Alida]]
[[Anna M. Louw|Louw, Anna M.]]
[[Antoinette Louw|Louw, Antoinette]]
[[Aubrey Louw|Louw, Aubrey]]
[[Elise Louw|Louw, Elise]]
[[George Louw|Louw, George]]
[[Ilka Louw|Louw, Ilka]]
[[Kobus Louw|Louw, Kobus]]
[[Mara Louw|Louw, Mara]]
[[Milla Louw|Louw, Milla]]
[[N.P. van Wyk Louw|Louw, N.P. van Wyk]]
[[Philip Louw|Louw, Philip]]
[[Rosa Louw|Louw, Rosa]]
[[Salomi Louw|Louw, Salomi]]
[[Sara Louw|Louw, Sara]]
[[Truida Louw|Louw, Truida]]
[[W.E.G. Louw|Louw, W.E.G.]]
[[Aden Love|Love, Aden]]
[[Bronwyn Lovegrove|Lovegrove, Bronwyn]]
[[Gloria Lovegrove|Lovegrove, Gloria]]
[[Michael Lovegrove|Lovegrove, Michael]]
[[Michael J. Lovegrove|Lovegrove, Michael J.]] '''See [[Michael Lovegrove]]'''
[[Neil Lovegrove|Lovegrove, Neil]]
[[Nico Lovell|Lovell, Nico]]
[[J. Lovett|Lovett, J.]]
[[Katharine E. Low|Low, Katharine E]]
[[Ian Lowe|Lowe, Ian]]
[[Peter Lubelwana|Lubelwana, Peter]]
[[Ranan Lubinsky|Lubinsky, Ranan]]
[[Victor Lucas|Lucas, Victor]]
[[William Lucas|Lucas, William]]
[[Paul Lückhoff|Lückhoff, Paul]]
[[J. Lückhoff|Lückhoff, J.]]
[[H. Lisle Lucoque|Lucoque, H. Lisle]]
[[A.E.F. Lucouw|Lucouw, A.E.F.]]
[[E.H. Lucouw|Lucouw, E.H.]]
[[Anton Luitingh|Luitingh, Anton]]
[[Alexandria Luke|Luke, Alexandria]]
[[Siphokazi Luke|Luke, Siphokazi]]
[[Nangamso Lungane|Lungane, Nangamso]]
[[Xola Luse|Luse, Xola]]
[[Elizabeth Lutango|Lutango, Elizabeth]]
[[Nico Luwes|Luwes, Nico]]
[[Lynette Luyt|Luyt, Lynette]]
[[Margot Luyt|Luyt, Margot]]
[[Thembani Luzipho|Luzipho, Thembani]]
[[Noeleen Luzzatto|Luzzatto, Noeleen]]
[[J. Lyal|Lyal, J]] '''See [[J. Lyall]]'''
[[Eric Lyall|Lyall, Eric]]
[[J. Lyall|Lyall, J]]
[[James Lycett|Lycett, James]]
[[J. Lydon|Lydon, J.]]
[[Derek Lyndon|Lyndon, Derek]]
[[Vera Lynn|Lynn, Vera]]
[[Sharon Lynne|Lynne, Sharon]]
[[M. Lyons|Lyons, M.]]
[[Peter Lyons|Lyons, Peter]]
[[Patrick Lyster|Lyster, Patrick]]
[[David Lytton|Lytton, David]]
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Latest revision as of 08:49, 9 March 2019

Please also note: Surnames (or last names) consisting of two or three words ((e.g. names preceded by Da, De, De La, Du, Le, Van, Van Den, Van Der, Von, etc) appear under the first word in this listing. Thus the author Alex la Guma and the arts manager Marlene le Roux would in this case both be listed here under "L", as La Guma, Alex and Le Roux, Marlene respectively.

This section has been subdivided to simplify searches.

Begin by clicking on the appropriate section in the sub-list below.

L-Lan | Lao-Lax | Le-Let | Leu-Lex | Lf-Ln | Lo-Lox | Lp-Lx

To return to any other letter of the alphabet, click on the list below


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