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[[Marijke Haakman|Haakman, Marijke]]
[[Anton Haarhoff|Haarhoff, Anton]]
[[Dorian Haarhoff|Haarhoff, Dorian]]
[[Robert Haber|Haber, Robert]]
[[Marietjie Habig|Habig, Marietjie]]
[[Fred Hagemann|Hagemann, Fred]]
[[Ian Haggie|Haggie, Ian]]
[[Christopher Hahn|Hahn, Christopher]]
[[Brian Haines|Haines, Brian]]
[[Richard Haines|Haines, Richard]]
[[Dennis Hale|Hale, Dennis]]
[[Graham Haley|Haley, Graham]]
[[Arthur Hall|Hall, Arthur]]
[[Captain Hall|Hall, Captain]]
[[Lisa Hall|Hall, Lisa]]
[[Thomas Hall|Hall, Thomas]]
[[Andrea Haller|Haller, Andrea]]
[[John Hamber|Hamber, John]]
[[Ann Hamblin|Hamblin, Ann]]
[[Justin Hambloch|Hambloch, Justin]]
[[Jan Hamers|Hamers, Jan]]
[[Elise Hamilton | Hamilton, Elise]]
[[Ian Hamilton|Hamilton, Ian]]
[[Diane Hamilton-Fowle|Hamilton-Fowle, Diane]]
[[Dilys Hamlett|Hamlett, Dilys]]
[[H.J. Hamlin|Hamlin, H.J.]]
[[Halford Hamlin|Hamlin, Halford]] See [[H.J. Hamlin|Hamlin, H.J.]]
[[Frank Hammerton|Hammerton, Frank]]
[[T. Hammond | Hammond, T.]]
[[Terence Hammond | Hammond, Terence]]
[[A. Hancke|Hancke, A.]]
[[A.S.A. Hancke|Hancke, A.S.A.]] '''See [[A. Hancke]]'''
[[J.M. Hancke|Hancke, J.M.]]
[[Hendrik Hanekom|Hanekom, Hendrik]]
[[Irma Hanekom|Hanekom, Irma]]
[[Joh. Hanekom|Hanekom, Joh.]]
[[Mathilda Hanekom|Hanekom, Mathilda]]
[[Mathilde Hanekom|Hanekom, Mathilde]]
[[Nicola Hanekom|Hanekom, Nicola]]
[[Tilana Hanekom|Hanekom, Tilana]]
[[Lt Hansen|Hansen, Lt]] '''See [[Lt Hanson]]'''
[[Marc Hansen|Hansen, Marc]]
[[Neels Hansen|Hansen, Neels]]
[[H. Hanson|Hanson, H]]
[[Lt Hanson|Hanson, Lt]]
[[Mr Hanson|Hanson, Mr]] (Snr)
[[Mr Hanson, Jr|Hanson, Mr, (Jr)]] '''See [[H. Hanson]]'''
[[Sue Hanson|Hanson, Sue]]
[[Tony Hanson|Hanson, Tony]]
[[Pauline Hardcastle|Hardcastle, Pauline]]
[[J. Hardie|Hardie, J.]]
[[Yvette Hardie|Hardie, Yvette]]
[[Christine Hardiman|Hardiman, Christine]]
[[Audrey Harding|Harding, Audrey]]
[[Francis Hardy|Hardy, Francis]]
[[Lawrence Hardy|Hardy, Lawrence]]
[[Liz Hardy|Hardy, Liz]]
[[Robertson Hare|Hare, Robertson]]
[[Bradley Harris|Harris, Bradley]]
[[Gillian Harris|Harris, Gillian]]
[[Linda Harris|Harris, Linda]]
[[Morris Harris|Harris, Morris]]
[[Rolf Harris|Harris, Rolf]]
[[Buster Harrison|Harrison, Buster]]
[[Mary Harrison|Harrison, Mary]]
[[Michael Harrison|Harrison, Michael]]
[[P.E. Harrison|Harrison, P.E.]]
[[ESAT Personalities H-Han|H-Han]]  |  [[ESAT Personalities Hao-Has|Hao-Has]]  |  [[ESAT Personalities Hat-Haz|Hat-Haz]]  |  [[ESAT Personalities Hb-Hez|Hb-Hez]]  |  [[ESAT Personalities Hf-Hn|Hf-Hn]]  |  [[ESAT Personalities Ho-Hoz|Ho-Hoz]]  |  [[ESAT Personalities Hp-Hz|Hp-Hz]]  
[[W.P. Harrison|Harrison, W.P.]]
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[[Jack Harrold|Harrold, Jack]]
[[ESAT Personalities A|A]] [[ESAT Personalities B|B]] [[ESAT Personalities C|C]] [[ESAT Personalities D|D]] [[ESAT Personalities E|E]] [[ESAT Personalities F|F]] [[ESAT Personalities G|G]] [[ESAT Personalities H|H]] [[ESAT Personalities I|I]] [[ESAT Personalities J|J]] [[ESAT Personalities K|K]] [[ESAT Personalities L|L]] [[ESAT Personalities M|M]] [[ESAT Personalities N|N]] [[ESAT Personalities O|O]] [[ESAT Personalities P|P]] [[ESAT Personalities Q|Q]] [[ESAT Personalities R|R]] [[ESAT Personalities S|S]] [[ESAT Personalities T|T]] [[ESAT Personalities U|U]] [[ESAT Personalities V|V]] [[ESAT Personalities W|W]] [[ESAT Personalities X|X]] [[ESAT Personalities Y|Y]] [[ESAT Personalities Z|Z]]  
[[Errol Hart|Hart, Errol]]
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[[Julie Hartley|Hartley, Julie]]
[[Anton Hartman|Hartman, Anton]]
[[Joe Hartzenberg|Hartzenberg, Joe]]
[[Colleen Harvey|Harvey, Colleen]]
[[Laurence Harvey|Harvey, Laurence]]
[[Ronald Harwood|Harwood, Ronald]]
[[Andre Hattingh|Hattingh, Andre]]
[[Leoni Hattingh|Hattingh, Leoni]]
[[Ryk Hattingh|Hattingh, Ryk]]
[[Gavin Haughton|Haughton, Gavin]]
[[Adam Haupt|Haupt, Adam]]
[[P.J. Haupt|Haupt, P.J.]]
[[A. Hauptfleisch|Hauptfleisch, A.]]
[[Conrad Hauptfleisch|Hauptfleisch, Conrad]]
[[Dora Hauptfleisch|Hauptfleisch, Dora]]
[[Gaerin Hauptfleisch|Hauptfleisch, Gaerin]]
[[Gus Hauptfleisch|Hauptfleisch, Gus]]
[[Gustav Hauptfleisch|Hauptfleisch, Gustav]]
[[Karina Hauptfleisch|Hauptfleisch, Karina]]
[[Mari Hauptfleisch|Hauptfleisch, Mari]]
[[Marie Hauptfleisch|Hauptfleisch, Marie]]
[[Pieter Hauptfleisch|Hauptfleisch, Pieter]]
[[Sally Hauptfleisch|Hauptfleisch, Sally]]
[[Temple Hauptfleisch|Hauptfleisch, Temple]]
[[Willem Hauptfleisch|Hauptfleisch, Willem]]
[[A. Havenga|Havenga, A.]]
[[Kitty Havenga|Havenga, Kitty]]
[[Jeremy Hawk|Hawk, Jeremy]]
[[Scott Hawker|Hawker, Scott]]
[[Jo Jo Hawkins|Hawkins, Jo Jo]]
[[Nigel Hawthorne|Hawthorne, Nigel]]
[[Charles Hawtrey|Hawtrey, Charles]]
[[Ashley Hayden|Hayden, Ashley]]
[[George Hayden|Hayden, George]]
[[Dick Hayes|Hayes, Dick]]
[[Peter Hayes|Hayes, Peter]]
[[Clive Haylett|Haylett, Clive]]
[[Alan Hayman|Hayman, Alan]]
[[David Haynes|Haynes, David]]
[[Fink Haysom|Haysom, Fink]]
[[John Hayter|Hayter, John]]
[[Calvin Hayward|Hayward, Calvin]]
[[Joan Heal|Heal, Joan]]
[[Margret Heale|Heale, Margret]]
[[Margaret Heale|Heale, Margaret]]
[[Tim Heale|Heale, Tim]]
[[Timothy Heale|Heale, Timothy]]
[[Bobby Heaney|Heaney, Bobby]]
[[Lindsay Heard|Heard, Lindsay]]
[[Cheryl Heath|Heath, Cheryl]]
[[Mr Heath|Heath, Mr]]
[[Keeno-Lee Hector|Hector, Keeno-Lee]]
[[Jack Hedley|Hedley, Jack]]
[[Sarah Helberg|Helberg, Sarah]]
[[Beverly Heldsinger|Heldsinger, Beverly]]
[[Zoleka Helisi|Helisi, Zoleka]]
[[Gilly Hemphill|Hemphill, Gilly]]
[[Kenneth Hendel|Hendel, Kenneth]]
[[Iain Henderson|Henderson, Iain]]
[[Cathy Henegan|Henegan, Cathy]]
[[Francois Henning|Henning, Francois]]
[[Leila Henriques|Henriques, Leila]]
[[Mr Henslowe|Henslowe, Mr]]
[[Leslie Henson|Henson, Leslie]]
[[Shirley Hepburn|Hepburn, Shirley]]
[[Pieter Heradien|Heradien, Pieter]]
[[Alfred Herbert|Herbert, Alfred]]
[[David Herbert|Herbert, David]]
[[Mr Herbert|Herbert, Mr]]
[[Kristie Herbst|Herbst, Kristie]]
[[Terry Herbst|Herbst, Terry]]
[[Willie Herbst|Herbst, Willie]]
[[Marcelle Hercule|Hercule, Marcelle]]
[[Marcelle Hercules|Hercules, Marcelle]]
[[René Hermanus|Hermanus, René]]
[[Manfred Hermer|Hermer, Manfred]]
[[June Hern|Hern, June]]
[[J. Herholdt|Herholdt, J]]
[[Mr Herholdt|Herholdt, Mr]] '''See [[J. Herholdt|Herholdt, J]]'''
[[Vicki Hertz|Hertz, Vicki]]
[[Lily Herzberg|Herzberg, Lily]]
[[Paul Herzberg|Herzberg, Paul]]
[[Hamish Hesketh|Hesketh, Hamish]]
[[Vincent Hesse|Hesse, Vincent]]
[[Anton Heunis|Heunis, Anton]]
[[Christopher Hewett|Hewett, Christopher]]
[[Hansel Hewitt|Hewitt, Hansel]]
[[Peter Hey|Hey, Peter]]
[[Joan Heymann|Heymann, Joan]]
[[H. Heyneman|Heyneman, H.]]
[[J. Heyneman|Heyneman, J.]]
[[Louis Heyneman|Heyneman, Louis]]
[[Eugenie Heyns|Heyns, Eugenie]]
[[Katinka Heyns|Heyns, Katinka]]
[[Madeleine Heyns|Heyns, Madeleine]]
[[Philo Heyns|Heyns, Philo]]
[[Elise Hibbert|Hibbert, Elise]]
[[Maxine Hickey|Hickey, Maxine]]
[[George Hickman|Hickman, George]]
[[Sir Seymour Hicks|Hicks, Sir Seymour]]
[[John Higgins|Higgins, John]]
[[Vic Higgins|Higgins, Vic]]
[[Sean Higgs|Higgs, Sean]]
[[Susan Hilferty|Hilferty, Susan]]
[[C. Hill|Hill, C]]
[[Michelle Hill|Hill, Michelle]]
[[T.P. Hill|Hill, T.P.]]
[[Sir Edmund Hillary|Hillary, Sir Edmund]]
[[Margaret Hillhorst|Hillhorst, Margaret]]
[[Barry Hilton|Hilton, Barry]]
[[Lawrence Hilton|Hilton, Lawrence]]
[[Errol Hinds|Hinds, Errol]]
[[Alfred Hinkel|Hinkel, Alfred]]
[[Clive Hirschhorn|Hirschhorn, Clive]]
[[Peter Hirschson|Hirschson, Peter]]
[[Siphiwe Hlabangane|Hlabangane, Siphiwe]]
[[T. Hlongwane|Hlongwane, T.]]
[[Alicia Nosidima Hloyi|Hloyi, Alicia Nosidima]]
[[Hayford Hobbs | Hobbs, Hayford]]
[[Jenny Hobbs|Hobbs, Jenny]]
[[Robert Hobbs|Hobbs, Robert]]
[[Michael Hobson|Hobson, Michael]]
[[Diana Hoddinott|Hoddinott, Diana]]
[[Leslie Hodgson|Hodgson, Leslie]]
[[Siobhan Hodgson|Hodgson, Siobhan]]
[[Mark Hoeben|Hoeben, Mark]]
[[Flea Hoets|Hoets, Flea]]
[[Anna Romain Hoffman|Hoffman, Anna Romain]]
[[Arthur Hoffman|Hoffman, Arthur]]
[[Hendrik Hofmeyr|Hofmeyr, Hendrik]]
[[Jan Hendrik Hofmeyr|Hofmeyr, Jan Hendrik]]
[[Jan-Hendrik Servaas Hofmeyr|Hofmeyr, Jan-Hendrik Servaas]]
[[Jannie Hofmeyr|Hofmeyr, Jannie]]
[[Margeret Calderwood Hofmeyr|Hofmeyr, Margeret Calderwood]]
[[Leonie Hofmeyr|Hofmeyr, Leonie]]
[[Steve Hofmeyr|Hofmeyr, Steve]]
[[Zoettje Hofmeyr|Hofmeyr, Zoettje]]
[[Michael Hogan|Hogan, Michael]]
[[Andrew Holden|Holden, Andrew]]
[[Owen Holder|Holder, Owen]]
[[Maggie Holland|Holland, Maggie]]
[[Cassandra Holliday|Holliday, Cassandra]]
[[David Holliday|Holliday, David]]
[[Shelagh Holliday|Holliday, Shelagh]]
[[Stephen Hollis|Hollis, Stephen]]
[[Myles Holloway|Holloway, Myles]]
[[Tienie Holloway|Holloway, Tienie]]
[[Beatrice Hollyer|Hollyer, Beatrice]]
[[Marion Holm|Holm, Marion]]
[[Nicole Holm|Holm, Nicole]]
[[Peter Holman|Holman, Peter]]
[[Colleen-Rae Holmes|Holmes, Colleen-Rae]]
[[Garth Holmes|Holmes, Garth]]
[[Tom Holms|Holms, Tom]]
[[Mr Holt|Holt, Mr]]
[[Alfred Holtzer|Holtzer, Alfred]]
[[Greg Homann|Homann, Greg]]
[[Janice Honeyman|Honeyman, Janice]]
[[T.O. Honiball|Honiball, T.O.]]
[[Gavin Hood|Hood, Gavin]]
[[C.P. Hoogenhout|Hoogenhout, C.P.]]
[[Lyn Hooker|Hooker, Lyn]]
[[Maureen Hoop|Hoop, Maureen]]
[[Lloyd Hooper|Hooper, Lloyd]]
[[Ruth Hooper|Hooper, Ruth]]
[[Faruk Hoosain|Hoosain, Faruk]]
[[Christopher Hope|Hope, Christopher]]
[[Graham Hopkins|Hopkins, Graham]]
[[Mr Hopley|Hopley, Mr]]
[[William Hopley|Hopley, William]]
[[Andrew Horn|Horn, Andrew]]
[[Gideon Horn|Horn, Gideon]]
[[Jeanine Horn|Horn, Jeanine]]
[[Hannes Horne|Horne, Hannes]]
[[David Horner|Horner, David]]
[[Allan Kolski Horwitz|Horwitz, Allan Kolski]]
[[Harry Horwitz|Horwitz, Harry]]
[[Lewis Horwitz|Horwitz, Lewis]]
[[Max Horwitz|Horwitz, Max]]
[[Ronnie Horwitz|Horwitz, Ronnie]]
[[Marc Hosten|Hosten, Marc]]
[[Barrie Hough|Hough, Barrie]]
[[Barry Hough|Hough, Barry]]
[[Michael Hough|Hough, Michael]]
[[Stephanie Hough|Hough, Stephanie]]
[[Gavin Houghton|Houghton, Gavin]]
[[Helen Houghton|Houghton, Helen]]
[[Hugh Houghton-Hawksley|Houghton-Hawksley, Hugh]]
[[Michael Howard|Howard, Michael]]
[[Donald Howarth|Howarth, Donald]]
[[James Howell|Howell, James]]
[[Dulcie Howes|Howes, Dulcie]]
[[Henry Howse| Howse, Henry]]
[[Eric Hoyland|Hoyland, Eric]]
[[Paul Huckle|Huckle, Paul]]
[[Christine Hudson|Hudson, Christine]]
[[S.E. Hudson|Hudson, S.E.]]
[[William Hudson|Hudson, William]]
[[Mike Huff|Huff, Mike]]
[[Michael Huff|Huff, Michael]]
[[Richard Huggett|Huggett, Richard]]
[[Don Hughes|Hughes, Don]]
[[H. Hughes|Hughes, H]]
[[Janet Hughes|Hughes, Janet]]
[[Mr Hughes|Hughes, Mr]]
[[Mrs Hughes|Hughes, Mrs]]
[[Tish Hughes|Hughes, Tish]]
[[Betty Hugo|Hugo, Betty]]
[[Daniel Hugo|Hugo, Daniel]]
[[Henk Hugo|Hugo, Henk]]
[[Leon Hugo|Hugo, Leon]]
[[André Huguenet|Huguenet, André]] (Actor/director)
[[Jack Hulbert|Hulbert, Jack]]
[[Pieter H. Human|Human, Pieter H.]]
[[Rina Human|Human, Rina]] (Puppeteer)
[[The Human Ostrich|Human Ostrich, The]] (Circus act)
[[Cavada Humphrey|Humphrey, Cavada]]
[[J.L. Humphrey|Humphrey, J.L.]]
[[Adrian Hunt|Hunt, Adrian]]
[[John Hunt|Hunt, John]]
[[Ian Hunter|Hunter, Ian]]
[[Malcolm Hurrell|Hurrell, Malcolm]]
[[X. Hus|Hus, X.]]
[[Bernard Huss|Huss, Father Bernard]]
[[John Hussey|Hussey, John]]
[[Arthur Hutchinson|Hutchinson, Arthur]]
[[Denis Hutchinson|Hutchinson, Denis]]
[[Dennis Hutchinson|Hutchinson, Dennis]]
[[Yvette Hutchison|Hutchison, Yvette]]
[[Keith Huxley|Huxley, Keith]]
[[Wilfred Hyde-White|Hyde-White, Wilfred]]
[[Geoffrey Hyland|Hyland, Geoffrey]]
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Latest revision as of 06:00, 7 March 2019

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