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Le Mariage de Biribi ("The marriage of Biribi") as a comedy in three acts by Sire Barago.

The original text

Neither the play nor the author can be traced in any other source than F.C.L. Bosman (1928: p. 126), based on a newspaper advert from the Kaapsche Courant of 21 June, 1809. It was offered there as a work by "Sire Barago" and "translated and turned into verse by C.E. Boniface". He actually lists two plays (Eopipore, ou La Resurrection and Le Marriage de Biribi) on page 126, but in his corrections however, Bosman adds the title Eopipore, ou La Resurrection to the list of translations by Boniface on page 124, attributing it also to Barago and indicating that it was produced produced in 1809. No mention of a translation entitled Le Marriage de Biribi is given in the list on page 124 however.

What it could have been is that the two works were actually one play, entitled something like Eopipore, ou La Resurrection et Le Marriage de Biribi("Eopipore, or The resurrection" and the marriage of Biribi) - though no play by such a name can be traced either.

See also Eopipore, ou La Resurrection

South African performances

1809: The play was apparently performed in French by the French Company led by Charles Mathurin Villet , on 1 July in the African Theatre, Cape Town, with Eopipore, ou La Resurrection (Anon/Barago?) and Oromidas, ou Le Balêt de Balais (Anon).


F.C.L. Bosman, 1928. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel I: 1652-1855. Pretoria: J.H. de Bussy. [1]: pp. 124, 126

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